It's coming off!

Jul 12, 2011 10:54

I just made an appointment with my favorite hairstylist to get my hair chopped off. This is something that I wanted to do since forever but held off so I would have more options to play with at a certain wedding. Given how much freakin' hair I have, I probably could have gotten it trimmed substantially before then and still have had all the hair to style I wished. (And the bun I went with would have been decidedly less Leia-esque.) But once it gets to a certain length, I feel guilty if I don't let it grow out enough to donate. So that's what I'll do, and I'll send it in, on the recommendation of my roommate to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths. I was worried at first about the length requirement, but I DEFINITELY have 8" to spare, and I might let them take more. I'm tempted to go back to the short-short cut I got one time, with my hair just brushing my shoulders. My favorite hairstylist, bless her, was worried I wouldn't like it because it was so much shorter than I usually go. I say, the shorter it gets, the less often I have to cut it and the longer it will take to get to that awkward intermediate stage that looks good in neither short nor long 'dos.

But YAAAAAAAAY HAIRCUT OMFG. Just in time to miss half of summer!
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