Proof that I'm not just able to forgive everything 'cause of a pretty photo

Jan 18, 2011 17:34

You may think after this post that it doesn't take much to turn my head (and opinion) right around. To be fair, it doesn't. But I do have some very few, very non-interfering standards. And those standards make me less forgiving of the X-Men reboot than I was of the Spider-Man reboot based on the first promo picture released for both movies. The X-Men one is here. (The Spider-Man picture is at the previous link.)

No sir, I don't like it. I can be talked into accepting the fact that Emma Frost is dressed like a belly dancer--though I bemoan the loss of her corset, the attitude is there. This is all the more surprising for the fact that January Jones, she of the mousy voice and mousy everything else, who never really lets on whether she's acting as though she's a piece of furniture on Mad Men or if she's just badly acting, is playing Emma Frost. I still haven't got high hopes for her in the role. It requires a stone-cold bitch, and if they were going to bother scraping talent from AMC, I think Christina Hendricks would have done a much better job. (And probably looked FUCKING AMAZING in a goddamned white corset, just saying.)

But the rest of the picture is a total loss. Apologies to glvalentine  but her man Fassbender looks ridiculous. It may be the disconnect of seeing him in an X-man uniform, as the blogger points out. At least he doesn't look so markedly out of place and bizarre as James McAvoy. I pretty much hate the whole picture, but they stand out as the bookends to a supremely awful promo shot. I am almost incensed at the Mystique. Rebecca Romjin was too, too perfect as Mystique, a character who I consistently loved, up until she was sabotaged the hell out of that shit third movie. (There was a third one? Nooooo...) As crap as the stories got with the X-Men movies, Mystique was next to perfect--suitably badass, homicidal, vicious, and, naturally, dead sexy. (She got great lines, too.) This person with her This Island Earth forehead is unacceptable. This movie is obviously going to have to play merry hob with the timeline as set up by the movies. Hell, Wolverine already fucked continuity all to blazes. Why remain so faithful to that one character's appearance when you're fucking everything else up?

spider-man, i am a giant nerd, comics, movies, x-men

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