I am still resolved

Jan 18, 2011 10:42

Despite the best efforts of the Big Momma's House sequel trailer to put me off the movies forever, I did get out to the theater this weekend with viridian , xannoside ,jlc , and ecmyers to see The Green Hornet. Honestly? Not as bad as I was expecting. It was stupid, but I laughed. I still loathe Seth Rogen and the idea of his being a movie star for doing absolutely nothing ( Read more... )

kitties, movies, resolutions

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trinityvixen January 18 2011, 19:20:06 UTC
Gaia is adorkable with her little tongue hanging out. And she is very pretty. Malinda's head is only as large as the kitten's that I cuddled with. It's ridiculous how small cats can be. I've just got no experience with small kitties. Who knew they could be healthy and that tiny!

I understand what you mean about a limit. I'm limited to two. feiran keeps wistfully talking about taking Wally, which I could see letting her do, since he's so traumatized by other cats, he might really like being a loner for a while. Oscar would hate it, though. He'd be very lonely. So it's me and my two from here until I don't have one or both of them. (WHICH I HOPE NEVER HAPPENS.)

As for school accommodations, I have no idea. Most graduate schools, you're right, won't offer housing. So instead of being at the mercy of school policy--which, come to think of it, would probably be very pro-pet if I were at a veterinary school--I am at the mercy of individual apartment renting agreements. It'll depend on my budget, what's available, and how flexible the place I live will be about pets. Obviously, I'll bias my searches in favor of pet-friendly places. I need my kitties around. I'm really very lonely without them!


viridian January 18 2011, 19:49:28 UTC
Well. I wonder, how, if Callisto's size was an indicator of her future health problems. She was tiny when her siblings got pretty huge. On the whole I've always noticed that the very large cats seem to live longer, but then, my mom's cat, Poppy, was teeny tiny under a massive amount of fur, and she lived to 15.

Clearly the solution to the Oscar & Wally solution is to let feiran take Wally, and get Oscar a kitten friend!

Yeah, I would be really sad if I suddenly had to live alone with no kitties. You need to take your kitties with you!!!!


trinityvixen January 18 2011, 20:00:33 UTC
The teeny cats are just so cute. Callisto was adorable. Topher is really slim, too, and he's a love. I love my big fat kitties, but there's something so squishably wonderful about teeny, bitty kitties you can pick up with one hand.

As for separating Oscar and Wally, I've debated it more of late just because they seem to be fighting a lot. I'm not sure if it's really more than it used to be, just that I've seen a lot more battle wounds on the two of them of late.

I want to take them with me when I go to school so badly. It will depend on how I get to school, really. If I have to fly, it might not be worth the stress of shipping them...


moonlightalice January 19 2011, 04:35:19 UTC
But Oscar would HATE her for having to lavish so much attention on an attention-craving kitten.

Besides, his and Wally's relationship is the love that dare not speak its name.


viridian January 18 2011, 19:52:08 UTC
Also, my solution to an allergic roommate problem would totally be to kill the roommates. :P

(What? I've actually in all seriousness told Ben that if we have kids, and the kid ends up allergic to cats, it's not the cats who will be given up. I would be miserably depressed without cats.)


trinityvixen January 18 2011, 20:02:32 UTC
I told one woman at the shelter about my brother's cat. And her response was, "Well, then why is he marrying that person?" I laughed because while I don't really want to get rid of a perfectly good sister-in-law over a cat, I would never allow an allergic person to get in the way of me having kitties. I mean, they were there first.

Except, of course, in the case of current situation, where my roommates were there first and the allergic moonlightalice has been putting up with a lot, which I do appreciate. (And will not make worse by bringing in more kitties.)


viridian January 18 2011, 20:15:22 UTC
Seriously, I have no idea what I'd do if Ben or a future kid was actually so allergic. It would be agonizing and I'd probably cry every single day. I have never been without cats except for semesters at college, and I was severely tempted even then.


trinityvixen January 18 2011, 20:16:44 UTC
Yeah, I don't know either. I'd probably drug the kid. Or get him/her the shots. Because I'd be a basket case.


viridian January 18 2011, 20:19:09 UTC
Fortunately cat allergies are not lethal, so I guess I'd subject the suffering party to Benadryl for the rest of their life!


trinityvixen January 18 2011, 20:25:09 UTC
I mean, if we're talking the kid is LETHALLY allergic to cats, there's always an Allercat. It's not like dogs where an allergy is pretty much a barrier to having a cat. Dogs are a source of a lot more allergens than cats (whose only allergenic property is saliva). Funnily enough, though, my brother's fiance has a dog she's not allergic to...


moonlightalice January 19 2011, 04:43:37 UTC


chuckro January 18 2011, 20:15:56 UTC
Moonlightalice is allergic to cats? Somebody call the pope about a beatification, 'cause it takes a saint to handle that. When Xannoside and I were living together, I wouldn't even let his girlfriend bring her cats over when I wasn't home, because of the potential shedding.


trinityvixen January 18 2011, 20:18:17 UTC
Yes, she's allergic. Recently, she's been really rather itchy, more so than usual. Typically, she's been all right so long as they're not allowed in her bedroom and she washes her hands after handling them. But it's gotten slightly more difficult for her of late. Which reminds me I should go buy her some drugs for that, since she shouldn't have to pay for that on her own just for putting up with her allergen...


moonlightalice January 19 2011, 04:40:00 UTC
Sometimes it's fine for days and sometimes I am up all night scratching monstrously (which has been happening recently more than usual, ugh). I wind up spending a lot of time in the cat-free room, alas. I knew beforehand that I was "moderately" allergic so it's not like I was unprepared and that's really my fault. In the end, though, I'm really glad I at least have the experience, because I had been wanting a cat for so long and now I know that that would be a TERRIBLE IDEA in a permanent situation. Sad. :(

If I ever did get a cat, it would have to be an Allercat.


ecmyers January 19 2011, 06:29:15 UTC
Pshaw. I'm allergic to cats too! But it's totally worth it because they are adorable.


fairest January 19 2011, 00:49:48 UTC
Well! If you come to Philly NOT THAT I'M BIASED OR ANYTHING, we just found a really exciting affordable place that is pet-friendly. It can work!


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