Everyone's a little bit racist...

Dec 17, 2010 11:43

Racists suck. But stupid racists are hilarious. Case in point: there is a conservative hate group that is actually hating on the upcoming Marvel movie Thor (our May Movie, folks!). Not because the trailer made it look like another $200M exercise in mediocrity. (True fact: at least half that budget was spent on replacing sets that Anthony Hopkins had devoured.) They're protesting because Idris Elba in it.

Personally, I'd protest any movie that doesn't have Idris Elba in it. (HOTT.) Give this man allllll the roles in Hollywood, kthanxbai.

Here's a great take-down of the racists' claims.
Look, racism is bad. But with a little more of this kind of racism, we might just kill the whole evil, malingering cancer of racism outright. Bad day to be a racist if these guys are your spokesmen. And I say men, because, let's face it, only a bunch of white dudes would get this far up their own assholes about Idris Elba. (Because they secretly wish it were Idris Elba up there.)

surprise i am a slut, comics, movies, i hate people

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