An update on the Asshole Teacher

Apr 22, 2010 17:18

For those of you who have ever wanted to know how not to brush off an entirely too-harsh thing with "humor," here's how not to do it:

Do not say, after saying this and getting back a panicked and penitent response, "Couldn't let you off the hook without even a little preaching, could I?

That date will not cause me any serious extra work.  Better ( Read more... )

what?, classes

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moonlightalice April 23 2010, 02:30:55 UTC
WTF is this guy's problem?!

I mean, you asked him if it was OK. If he had an issue, he should've said something then and given you the chance to work things out in some other way. Also, it's the FRIDAY before the midterm. Midterms START THAT FRIDAY, no? So it's not even EARLY. I had to move around plenty of midterms during midterms week because of the way they always overlapped, it's not a big deal!


trinityvixen April 23 2010, 03:16:34 UTC
Sigh. Talking to him tonight, it was all friendliness and joking--like, could we actually have it the Thursday instead? That way we don't both have to come in on Friday and miss out on the nice weather? Or something. WTF all the way.


oblvndrgn April 23 2010, 03:27:25 UTC
I guess it might be what he said - he thought it was his duty as a teacher to give you a hard time over it and he has no concept of what appropriate 'preaching' is?


trinityvixen April 23 2010, 04:26:26 UTC
I have no idea at this point. I am well and truly confused.


moonlightalice April 23 2010, 12:38:16 UTC
The other thing that's total bullshit is that it's not like you're a college student with a demonstrated history of irresponsibility. You're a goddamn ADULT. Taking his class because you WANT to. In addition to your FULL-TIME JOB. I think he should've been more, you know, MATURE even if you were just a student, but the fact that he can't seem to approach you on any kind of grown-up level is ridiculous.


chuckro April 23 2010, 15:06:53 UTC
This is something that the professors teaching the part-time classes at NYU at least seem to have a handle on: That we're adults with jobs/families/lives outside of school. One of the women in my class gave birth yesterday morning, and the professor's reaction/presentation of the news was on the order of "hey, a colleague just had a baby."

Now, if only someone would explain this to the idiot who runs the music building...


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