ETA: After posting, I went to look at what's coming in the mail to me today. It's Dragonball Evolution--the live-action movie with white people pretending (or not) to be Asian. No wonder I never have to wait for movies!
Someone has been unable to get a DVD through Netflix for almost three months.
How does that even happen? I have never had to
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DVDs go to "saved" status on streaming if they've lost the license to stream it. If it's "saved" on the regular DVD menu, that means the DVDs literally don't exist yet. Even if people are hoarding DVDs, they have them on your queue with the word "very long wait"--that thing I see but never experience.
I don't know what happened. Was someone stealing those Trigun DVDs? The same three over and over again?
It's a fair possibility. There was a story about some postal workers boosting either NEtflix or Gamefly discs not too long ago. Maybe someone liked your set. Maybe the machines at yours. I had the outer flap of a Netflix arrive and nothing else once. It was inside an envelope from the Post Office saying, basically, shit happens, and it happened to your disk this time. It does happen. I've also had more trouble with the Post Office suspiciously delaying mail that I would consider to be worth snatching (magazines were a big one) that I would trust Netflix to get it right more than the PO. (Note that Netflix made it up to you, the Post Office says what?)
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