Having a Plan and sticking to it

Oct 28, 2009 17:19

Had to laugh at this assessment of the BSG series finale on io9:

The series finale was written up on 2 cocktail napkins amidst a drunken stupor, 30 minutes before the actual airdate.

That night, we were all watching a live performance of the cast doing history's most ambitious improve performance off chicken scratch notes.

I heartily agree, and I'm hoping to keep that in mind because tonight, I watch Battlestar Galactica: The Plan. I am trying not to let nostalgia for when the show didn't suck get me too excited about this. Failing, but I am trying.

viridian will laugh at me because I used to totally be on Team Human, but I'm looking forward to spending more time with the Cylons. Because they ended up being marginally less assholish than humanity. (I made a list, once, of the people I deemed to be on Team Not Raging Assholes. Two of the people on it ended up being Cylons.) This is an impressive feat given how they were introduced when they committed genocide. I mean, they're assholes. They're definitely, definitely most of them assholes. They're also infantile in that can't-make-up-their-minds, change-sides-when-the-wind-changes-direction, don't-remember-killing-people-yesterday-that-they-want-to-be-friends-with-today sort of way.

But you know what they weren't? They weren't like the humans, who constantly congratulated themselves on how awesome they were. They fucked up so much, they make Smallville Clark Kent look successful. They also always were like, "Yeah, we fucked up, but we're people, and we'll get better and it's totally okay that we continue to suck because we're trying. And no one should be mean to us when we fuck up. Because that's mean."

No, really, that was humanity--a bunch of fuck-ups with issues that ran the gamut from meaningful to trivial, with the bias being in favor of those trivial issues taking over for the more weighty ones in terms of what people dwelt on. But you couldn't call them on it. Because that would be unfair. You don't get to judge them until you've survived the destruction of your planet and several years spent as fugitives.

It comes down to evolution--the Cylons evolved in the course of the show, the people didn't and didn't want to when they were pretty much forced to.

The Cylons were all like "We want to be people! Maybe we can be! Let's try! That didn't work! Let's try something else! Oh look, we can be people if we do it this way!" Even EVIL EVIL EVIL Cylons were like, "I am willing to maybe change a little and work with humans if it means I get what I want and then I'm out!"

People were like, "LOL ROBOTS SUX." For four seasons.

So, yeah, bring on the Cylons. I'm sure this will be a disappointment, but hey, ROBOTS! Hot robots!

bsg, smallville

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