Playing catch-up (or not)

Aug 20, 2009 12:56

I've been out of town for the past three weekends, and fun as my time was (and it was!), I just never feel like I've taken a breath when that happens, you know what I mean? It's not like I was busy for those weekends. I was a little busy two weekends ago with cleaning up ant carcasses and killing wasps, but this past weekend was a thoroughly spoiling vacation to Philadelphia to be pampered by feiran's parents. Who, as I told feiran totally flummox me with their absolute refusal to let their guests do any work. I am not used to this.

Anyway, it feels like I haven't had time to breathe even though I can't say as I've been all that busy on the weekdays I was here. There's just something about the weekend that makes it feel like there's been a break. And if you spend a month living out of a backpack, shuttling between places over that time, you don't get it.

And now I'm off again! I'll be away for the next week upstate and then coming back the following weekend for one night only to disappear to move my sister into school for a day. Then the next weekend is Labor Day, and I'm sure I'll be going somewhere for that. What the heck!?
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