Technology hates me

Jun 15, 2009 12:23

Redundancy is your friend in evolution of living organisms or technology. Just because we can wirelessly transmit files doesn't mean we don't want things like USB, SD, or even fire-wire ports.

If it's a laptop, I can understand sacrificing some of those connectivity things in the interests of saving on weight, but I'm talking about a bloody huge copier/printer/scanner. This thing isn't going anywhere. Nor are any documents you might want to scan onto the stupid thing because there's no connection to any internet and, because of aforementioned lack of physical connectors, no way to transport the documents away.

This thing stinks of being the ideal sort of printer/copier/scanner for a law firm, where they would, of course, have it connected to several hundred networked computers. I can't fathom why this department bought it if they had no intention of using it to its fullest capability. If they only wanted a heavy-duty copier, they could have saved their pennies and not gotten something with superfluous unaccessible features that taunt me--taunt me!--with possibilities I can only dream of some day seeing performed.

::kicks machine, kicks purchasing department harder::


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