This is not the right tone to take about these vultures, NYT. People who call up the relatives of the recently deceased and play on good people's morality to get them to pay debts they are not legally obligated to pay? ARE EVIL INCARNATE. I don't want some expose that spends as much time feeling bad for the people who have to do this awful job as it does for the people being bilked to settle someone else's bottom line.
Fucking sickening, man. The article spends the whole time going "Woe are the debt collectors!" and then explaining, in detail, how they go about conning people into paying their relatives' debts. There's hardly a word about how FUCKING TRAUMATIC it would be for the family of the guy who, for example, rang up $20+K in hospital bills right before the end. To me, that screams of some debilitating, probably very traumatic illness and now these fuckshits want the widow on the hook for that money? And all the NYT can do is go, "Well, it's very hard for them to be so hatefully, spitefully mercenary! They have to have afternoon snacks and masseurs and everything just to get through the day!"
Here's a hint: if your job is so demoralizingly EVIL that you can't stay at it without aching down to your very soul, IT IS PROBABLY A GOOD SIGN THAT YOU ARE WORKING FOR SATAN AND SHOULD MAYBE GET ANOTHER JOB. Even in this economy, seriously.