Oh poo

Nov 14, 2008 10:55

I guess I need to find a way to watch last night's Supernatural before tomorrow because people seem positively abuzz about it and I don't wish to be spoiled. Stupid TV pre-empt for a football game!!! Oh well, I was out having delicious Cambodian food with my Hermit Crab friend, who I've not seen since she left for Cambodia which is five months gone now. Good times, and a late shout-out "Happy Birthday!" to her.


Shorter David Brooks: I'm going to ruin the sensible stuff at the beginning by freaking the fuck out at the end. So if you wanted to try and start liking me, I'd stop reading somewhere in the middle of this column.

Sound the trumpets, folks, I sort of agree with David Brooks. The auto industry bailout: not such a fan, actually. It may be necessary and I'm prepared to concede it, but I am not happy about it and I definitely think it should be micromanaged with the threat of "Use it wisely or go bankrupt." Once he gets into the "HOLY SHIT I JUST SAID 'CZAR' FOR THE FOURTH TIME!!!! COMMIES EVERYWHERE!" part, I stopped paying attention.


I've noticed this, too. I used to have no will power when I went into Best Buy. Last night, I was in the area of one before dinner and dropped by. Zero interest. In anything. I didn't feel like browsing, I just wandered and left. I can't think of the last DVD I bought for myself--must have been back in the summer some time. (That may not sound like much, but trust me, for me? That's amazing.) Maybe there's just not anything there I want.

But this isn't a new development, and of course the economy is to blame. Whether it's broken your bank or not, you feel poor. And I'm already paying for Netflix, so buying seems hardly an option worth pursuing. Hell, feiran and I managed to break our four-year-long tradition of going to see the latest Saw movies in theaters. Still want to see Quantum of Solace though, so maybe these things aren't entirely dead to me.

politics, supernatural, i am aware of all internet traditions, movies, netflix, news, birthdays

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