(no subject)

Feb 22, 2007 11:37

Wow, I just don't have anything to post. I don't think, except for the stupid post-doc thing, I posted anything yesterday.

Random things to talk about:

-Last night, I ripped CDs to mp3s and watched episodes of House I'd missed. Say what you will about the show being basically an excuse to have Hugh Laurie be awesome and naughty and just have everyone else go "What crazy thing will he do next?", at least he makes it interesting. In one ep, he took a wheelchair down stairs. He actually did that himself. That's cool. Also, while the characterization of everyone else changes, it's nice that House is consistent. It's why it's fun to watch him be mean--he's the only one smart and ornery enough to stick by his irrationalities.

-shell524 deserves a hearty thanks. I made her recipe of mac and cheese this weekend and it came out fairly well! It'll take a bit of practice to be able to do it blind without the recipe and get the consistency/timing all together, but for a first time, it was easy and delicious. I hate wasted food, which is a good part of why I don't cook more (because I mess up too easily and would burn, therefore waste, food). That's two out of seven meals to make for my new year's resolution goal. Only five more to go. I might count re-learning how to make my mom's meatloaf and beef stroganoff as two, too. That requires the new grandma to be on the east coast long enough to tell me how.

-Speaking of the resolutions, I worked some more on my cross stitch last night. It's all in fits and starts with this thing lately. Last weekend, while feiran and I had a day at home together, I stitched for about five hours straight, and that's how I got the last one done, mostly--by relying on long stretches to get significant portions done. This past week, I've either meant to work on it and not done so, or I've managed a couple of hours here and there and that's it. Shameful. However, I would guestimate that it's maybe 5/8 done at this point. What's left is going to be super annoying (lots of blended colors and back-stitching). Oh well, I have two disks of Spooks arriving today.

-HOW ENTIRELY CRAZY was that drill-exercise episode? Oh my goodness. I nearly fainted because that episode was so intense. Gotta give Tom credit: he really was an excellent leader. I sort of figured this was a test of a test all along, especially when the gassings in Scotland coincidentally happened near the home of one of the MI-5 crew, but it was still crazy nuts OMG. All throughout, I wondered when that illusion would crack, and Tom's so amazingly on top of it all, you can't even tell when, exactly, it was he was fooled into believing it was real (he totally was, despite his, again very impressive, attempts to appear in-the-know at the end). But he was excellent at leadership. No one mutinied, not even with all the goading and name-calling by the plants. I noticed that throughout. He delegated (essential!) and did so well and very slyly, keeping each group as if they were in on a secret together, never any one group realizing the other might have a secret, too. That was genius.

Also genius? The tech guys building a robot out of laptops, cell phones, and PDAs. They're brilliant, and if they didn't get top marks, I'll be pissy as fuck. The chemist guy is hilarious, besides.

After that one, the rest were kind of indistinguishable--good, but routine good for the show. Setting up Tom with the CIA chick was kind of hot, actually. I thought they already had a history together, given his long-standing reluctance to deal with her. Someone correct me if I'm wrong? But it's cute and smart and fun. She's what Tom's other whiny-needy girls haven't been: AWESOME. And the flirtation's been there all along, under the aggression, which is a great button to push. She put stalker-ex in her place right quick--with extreme prejudice, even--and that made up for her being the awful American all the other times. Plus? I am totally stealing her pick-up line to use on boys: "Want to meet my friend Jim?"

One worries about her turning into the other needy girls who've come before, but I hold out hope for the best. She understands the demands of their jobs, so hopefully that won't be the issue. Love to see how she takes being dumped because Harry said so. I've gone ahead and ordered the last disc of season two and the first disc of season three just to be sure they don't get away with an awful cliffhanger like they did last time!

spooks, cross-stitch, resolutions, house

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