Jan 15, 2007 15:51

I had such a nice, productive shopping day yesterday, and then I go to play one of the games I got from Game Stop, and I find it's the XBOX version despite the fact that I have the PlayStation 2 case and that that is what I handed to the stupid woman in the store. And I have to go back to that store to replace it for the proper version. Which means that I have to go all the way back down to Eighth St. in seven days--costing myself $4 on transit fare since I don't have a monthly card--to get the version I fucking paid for.

The real irony is that on the receipt they congratulate me for saving TWO WHOLE DOLLARS (ZOMG!) by buying a used game. Fuckers. This is the insult to injury after I had to wait around for fifteen minutes in the store for them to bring out the copy of the new game I bought, too. Fuckers fuckers fuckers!
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