Title: Somewhere Only We Knew
Author: Trintiys_Sin
Pairings/Characters: Finn/Kurt, Blaine/Sam, Lancelot/Gwen, Arthur/Merlin, Eleventh Doctor, Amy/Rory
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/ Spoilers: spoiler warning for Glee, Merlin and Doctor Who, just to be safe, all episodes.
Summary: Finn’s got one last chance to set everything right
Chapter One )
Comments 6
Oh and thanks for the helpful pics. The last one didn't work. I've seen some of them from previews. That top doctor reminds me of Gumby. LOL
Um geez the some of the questions you ask are so on spot with the story plot line that I can't answer them without giving away later bits of the story. But I can tell you that Kid!Kurt has no memories of what happened in the past ( it was nessecary). I'm their past relationship come clear later.
I'll try to fix the last picture when I get to my laptop (I'm on my phone)
Second, thank you for the comment! And the second chapter should probably be up later today or early tomorrow!!!!
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