Merlin and LoTF

Apr 08, 2011 17:40

Title: Untitled
Rating: PG
Characters: Arthur/Ralph Merlin/Simon mention of Morgana/Jack
Spoilers: None for Merlin.  Spoilers for The Lord of the Flies, though.
Summary: “Avalon’s really screwed us over this time, eh Merlin?”  Arthur asks trailing small fingers absently down Merlin’s sticky, red cheek. 
Author's Notes: This is a crossover between Merlin and Lord of the Files by William Golding.  It's also part of a project i want to do where Merlin and Arthur are reincarnated into various other books, movies, plays, etc.  If you have any suggestions or requests I would love to hear them, just add 'em to your review!

“Avalon’s really screwed us over this time, eh Merlin?”  Arthur asks trailing small fingers absently down Merlin’s sticky, red cheek.  Under the liquid, his skin is rough and dry from over exposure to the sun.  His cheekbones aren’t as sharp as past lives, yet it’s the most Merlin-ish he’s looked in ages.  The rain pounds down on them, washing the dirt and blood and bits of broken flesh from Merlin.  Arthur keeps his eyes locked on his past manservant’s face, refusing to see the damage.

He thinks back to the first time they met.  Merlin’s tiny body crumpling into the warm sand. ‘Weak,’ Arthur had thought in slight disgust.  It didn’t stop him from singling the boy out to explore with him later.  It hadn’t stopped him from tackling the boy to the ground in delighted excitement, his own form of acceptance.  But the boy had turned batty.  Now he wishes he hadn’t dismissed it so quickly.   ‘You’ll get out fine,’ he’d said.  You not we.  It was so Merlin-like to have an inclination that he wasn’t going to make it out alive and still be comforting him.

The ocean pulls at Merlin’s prone body and Arthur locks his muscles to keep from dragging Merlin back to him.  They’ve lost this time.  Morgana’s insanity amplified by this damn island, seeping into the other boys till they’re all running around crazy.  He wonders if he’d remembered earlier if things could have been any different.  Remembered as Morgana started to show signs of insanity instead of as his most important friend was being ripped away from him.  Would he have a better handle on the situation?

‘The beast is just us,’ Merlin had struggled to get out.  How true he’d been.  Arthur had seen the adult with the parachute, “the beast”, soar over them into the sea.  If he’d just listen to the soft spoken but wise words it might have saved the boys a lot of fear.  Now he’ll never speak again.  He runs his fingers down the colum of his neck, purposefully skirting around a vicious bit mark.  He wants to nuzzle into it and memorize Merlin’s scent once again.

“I’m sorry, so sorry,” he croons, lifting his head to press a tender kiss to Merlin’s forehead, then cold lips.  He can taste the copper tang of his blood.  The water filters under the lifeless body, tugging it further away.  Merlin stares at him, glowing green eyes, blank in death.  He reaches out for the small boy one last time, brushing finger tips.  The water flows over his body and when it recedes Merlin is gone.

Arthur lies there, watching the ocean churn, until the current is pulling at his body.  For a moment he entertains the idea of letting it drag him out.  Take him away from this hell.  There are others he has to look after, however.  He must redeem himself before meeting Merlin again.  He has his tribe and Morgana has hers.  He only hopes Morgana will leave his side alone.

pre-slash, pairing: ralph/simon, arthur/merlin, crossover, merlin/lotf, fandom:merlin, rating:pg, theme: angst

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