May 10, 2006 10:35
Infuriated. Not a use that I use often, or even use lightly for that matter....Please notice that I am using it now.
Let me share a little something with you folks...
I once said that if you ever really and truly love someone, even when you're no longer *in* love with them, you will still forever *love* them. In my world, it's very true. I still love my ex husband like this, and, incase you didnt know it, I still love my daughter's father like this. Sure, we didnt work out. I did some bad things. Jeffrey and I have talked about them. I apologized. He did some bad things. He apologized. No grudges. We remain friends. Regardless of all the shit we have put each other thru, we are still there for each other all the time. That is what friends do.
Some people might think that I am a little OVERprotective of him. And I might be. But you see, he is Kalli's father. And that makes him very special, very important, and very dear. He gave me the one thing that probably saved *me* from self little girl. And if nothing I ever say tells him how much that means to me, then I show it in my actions. I am always there for him, day or night, if he needs me. Period. No questions. I am there.
I know his demons. Better than most people do. I understand them. And although I do not condone how he handles them sometimes, I still understand them. And I will always be there to pick up the pieces. Always. I won't turn my back and walk away because of something he said or did when he was in a bad way. Maybe that's because I was lucky enough to know the Jeffrey that is underneath it all....maybe it's because I believe in him. You see, I know he can be sober, and be a wonderful person. I have seen it before.
Now then:
I dont want to hear any excuses. "Oh waaaa he wasnt intimate with me!!!" You know what?? He has his reasons. And honestly, as fucked up as you are honey, I wouldnt have touched you either. You have to realize that you get what you give. If you approach him soundling like a selfish bitch, then he will turn it right back on you. Turnabout is fair play.
I dont want to hear how it isnt my business. Cause you know what? As his "safe person" it is my business. You push his buttons until he breaks, and I think a part of you knows that you do it. You cant be supportive because youre so wrapped up in yourself that all you care about is that he is there for YOU. How can he do that while he is trying to recover from his own damage??
I dont want to hear how he isnt your he never loved you like that, blah blah blah. It's time you woke up from your fantasy state and realized that noone will ever be your husband. Ever. And by expecting them to be, youre damning them.
Now, onto more personal stuff....
I need to ask you what in the motherfucking hell you think you were doing last night? Iw ould ask you where your goddamned sense of decency is, but I'm pretty sure you never had one. I would ask you why you seem to have no respect for this man that you drove into an emotional hell, but I have not once seen a glimmer of respect in your eyes. What you did last night was horrible. Had I not had Kalli with me, I would have been on that doorstep and you and your little boytoy would have received that ass chewing of a lifetime. Frankly, you deserve to have your pathetic ass beaten to a bloody pulp for that shit. And do NOT give me any of that "'s MY house" bullshit. Not unless you want to set me off some more. And, seeing as I fear you about as much as I fear a gentle know. But I digress......
How disrespectful is it to bring some random guy into the house you share with youre (VERY RECENT) ex and sit there hanging on each other in his presence?? Did you ever think that it might bother him? Did you think that it might upset him enough to make him want to go out and drink? Did you fucking miss that part? You selfish bitch. I've had it with you.
You're selfish beyond measure. And you know who will pay for it? Your child. The one that you practically ignore. The one you treat like an afterthought. And dont tell me you dont do that, because I have SEEN you do it. You have pawned her off so you can go out and act like a drunken whore. You have ignored her so you can sit online for 15 hours at a time. And you wonder why it took her so long to's not her. It's YOU.
I think you're a pathetic shell of a person. You're cruel and did i mention slefish? Because that is a big one. I have yet to meet anyone more selfish than you. I have heard the whining and bitching first hand. And i know that Jeffrey isnt the easiest person to live with and be involved with, but you know what? I stuck it out for 3 years before I left. ANd although I didnt deal with it well, I always cared for him. I always felt bad. And above all? I TRIED. You never tried. You treated him like he was your bitch, and you deserve every horrible thing he has ever said. Every thing he has ever done. And by the way? Cuttting the cable line so that you would get off the fucking computer and pay attention to your child while jeffrey was sick?? Yeah, that wasnt threatening to you. That was a hint. That was him trying to make you see what a fucking horrible person you were being.
And the getting drunk and taking baths at inviting other people to watch while your boyfriend is taking care of your child?? Sad. Horrible. Evil.
Getting drunk and leaving with some man you dont know and then whining when he comes onto you? Bad. Stupid.
Doing it TWICE?? Really stupid.
I'm also aware of all the conversations you had about me when I wasnt around. It all comes back to me. Stop trying to dig up dirt on me. My life is an open book. Have the balls to ask ME.
Getting into my business with Jeffrey? Yeah...that was just stupid. All you did was piss me off.
But last night...Oh last night was the last straw. You are a shallow, evil woman. I'm happy that youre so fucking proud of yourself. Im happy that youre moving on, because that means that Jeffrey won't have to deal with your poison anymore.
You may have driven several other men to the point of insanity, but you will not do it to Kalli's dad. I hope you understand that.
Now, do I like you? No. I don't. I kept the peace out of respect for Jeffrey. For his benefit. All bets are off now.
I see through you honey. You're transparent. Most shallow people are.
I think you're a complete bitch, and might benefit from some serious professional help. I dont believe you can raise the dead, or any of that crazy shit you talk about. I think you're just plain old batshit crazy. And i think that deep down inside, youre not really a good person.
So, since you only have a few days left in that house, I find myself hoping that you will, for once in your life, think of someone else. Leave him alone. Don't ask for his stuff, don't ask for his cat (the cat that *I* gave him, stupid bitch.), don't pester him.
ANd the next time I hear that you have some man over and are pulling that shit on the couch with Jeffrey trapped upstairs in his own home? You won't be talking to him about it. You will be talking to me.
You play the victim very well, honey, but we all see that the only person that was victimized in that relationship was Jeffrey. So drop your pathetic Damsel-In-Distress bullshit. I'm not buying it.
Someday Karma will catch up to you. And somewhere, in the back of your lost little mind, you'll hear a woman's laughter. And it will be mine.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.