Title: The Rise and Fall Sequel to: The Man Who Rose From Earth and Flux Rating: PG Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Length: 2100 words Summary: This is nothing like what happened to John.
Oh, thank you. I was more than a little worried after part two. This is perfect. I can now happily imagine Rodney re-integrating John to life with people, while John shares his love of flying with Rodney.
Lovely. I'm so glad you wrote this last part to bring to story together and give it a happy ending.
I didn't really think I'd ever have a favorite wing-fic story. Oh fandom - you give me so much wonderful crack that I'd never imagined ever wanting. *G*
Damn, you're prolific today! Which, for the record, is a GOOD thing.
Off-the-cuff writing. It definitely works and I'm fascinated by how fast and gorgeous you write. You should make this a habit -- every 1st of the month or something. :D
John nods more slowly in return, kissing the point where Rodney’s right wing extends from his bare back, where there’s the slight red blush of a scar, one that perfectly fits his lips. Nrrgght. I, apparently, have a biting kink.
Comments 102
Pretty and gorgeous. I like all three very much.
I didn't really think I'd ever have a favorite wing-fic story. Oh fandom - you give me so much wonderful crack that I'd never imagined ever wanting. *G*
Off-the-cuff writing. It definitely works and I'm fascinated by how fast and gorgeous you write. You should make this a habit -- every 1st of the month or something. :D
John nods more slowly in return, kissing the point where Rodney’s right wing extends from his bare back, where there’s the slight red blush of a scar, one that perfectly fits his lips.
Nrrgght. I, apparently, have a biting kink.
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