Tickle Me Emo

Jan 09, 2006 18:27

So. Paper: finished. New term: started. trinityofone: already exhausted.

But...my new History of the U.S. lecturer seems less dull than the last one, and one of my Irish Literature tutors is named Katie Brown. I make my own fun.

This weekend I made a lot of it, in spite of the paper which, quality aside, ended up being not a big deal at all, especially in proportion to the amount I angsted about it. On Friday, siriaeve and jarsy and I were going to go see Brokeback Mountain, but it was SOLD OUT. My reaction was a mixture of single, crystalline tear-sadness and sudden, extreme violence. siriaeve got it all on camera:

No gay cowboys for me! I am sad in an arty, tilted-camera, emo fashion!

But I have a violent streak, too! Or some seriously hardcore boots. I swear, I just lightly tapped the wall of the theater with my toe, but...

...I knocked a chip out of it!

OH NOES! I can never show my face in Temple Bar again!

Right. After we went for tapas, siriaeve and I ventured right back to the scene of my "Oh no she didn't!" moment to see my crush suitemate Aidan's band, Wally's Hut, play at Eamon Doran's. He had invited me special! He wanted me to see him play! I was so so very excited!

Actually, I think he pretty much just invited everyone he knew. siriaeve and I wandered around a bit during the dull first act, then jostled elbows with people by the stage while Wally's Hut played its short set. The crowd was very enthusiastic--there was even a panty-throwing moment--but the sound system sucked, and as cute as Aidan looked, I don't think Wally's Hut is going to be the next big thing. (You may all point and laugh when I turn out to be utterly, completely wrong, and Wally's Hut and Eamon Doran's get another circular record marker on the Dublin Rock 'n' Stroll.) Still, I got to see Aidan fuck play his bass, so that's something.

Down in the basement of Eamon Doran's, it was all dark and mysterious and spooky.

Mysterious doors led off to who-knows-where, and...

...this mystical, um, janitor kept showing up everywhere!

But the bar was really shiny, so that was okay.


Pretty, blurry rocker boys!

Bass sex.

Oh, Aidan, you are such an enigma!

Less so when I turn the flash on, but what can you do?

Saturday, I wrote a draft of my paper ALL IN ONE DAY, because I rule. Then the gang--siriaeve, jarsy, jaaam, and lil_nibbler, as well as some other fine people; and yes, we should all get matching motorcycle jackets or something--got together to finally see the gay cowboys. And there was much rejoicing throughout the land! And by "rejoicing," I mean "crying into our nachos."

Sunday I edited my paper, and by "edited" I mean "watched SG-1."

And that was my weekend. To appropriate one of my favorite Irish expressions that I always sound stupid saying: Bless.

Ooh, and favor! Could somebody upload The Killers' Hot Fuss to YSI or something and link me? I have two tracks from it, "All These Things That I've Done" and "Everything Will Be Alright," and I can't stop listening to them. Please, if you can toss me some more, I would really appreciate it: I'm goin' nuts here. Thankyouthankyou.

ireland, photos

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