SGA Drabble: Teeth

Sep 21, 2005 11:35

Last night I was thinking about teeth, and about one of the few pieces of dream analysis that I actually get.* This is the result.

Title: Teeth
Rating: PG
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Spoilers: Through "Conversion"
Summary: Drabble. Rodney dreams of teeth.


Rodney dreams of teeth.

He dreams the Wraith’s potent, pointless grins; dreams Kolya with a mouth full of blades; dreams John with his lips turning blue and opening...

Mostly he dreams: the clock running down and him frozen on the spot, feeling his molars crumbling to dust in his mouth; watching incisors tumble out and scrambling for them across the cold floor, searching, even though it’s too late, too late...

He wakes with John’s arm thrown heavy across him, and it’s not enough. His mouth to John’s neck, then: bite and tease and mark. Evidence.

He’s--they’re--not going anywhere.


*Yeah, Freud? When I'm dreaming about flying, I'm just dreaming about flying, okay? Thanks.

dreams, fic, sga

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