Big List O' Fics

Sep 16, 2005 07:41

I've been meaning to do this for a while, and as I'm now no longer even pretending to not be in fandom, it seems like the right moment. So here's a list of all the fanfic I've ever written,* organized by fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series, Father Ted, Good Omens, His Dark Materials, and Stargate: Atlantis. I'm linking to this post as my "website" in my userinfo, and I'll update it whenever I write new fic--a frequent occurrence, I hope!**


Cordelia/Lindsey, AU AtS S5, PG
“You still don’t get it, do you?” Lindsey says. “There are no sides.”

But I’m a Superhero!
Spike/Buffy with teases of lots of other pairings, Post-Chosen, R
Double the amnesia, double the fun. Or: The further adventures of Randy Giles. Long.

deus ex machina
Spike/Angel, Post-NFA, PG
I make it all better. Well, somewhat better.

Fifteen Years On
Spike, Futureficlet, PG
Sometimes the strangeness of it all hits him.

‘Fifteen Years On’ Sorta Sequel
Spike/Other, Futureficlet, PG
The call comes in the middle of the night.

The Greatest Love Story Never Told!
Andrew/Avril Lavigne, Spike/Buffy, R
Yes, you read that correctly: Andrew/Avril Frickin’ Lavigne. C’mon, you know you want it!

Hate and
Spike/Angelus, AU AtS S5, NC-17
Spike has never been the leaving kind.

The Last Temptation
Spike/Buffy, William/Cecily, Chosen, PG
It doesn’t have to be this way.
(Note: I actually wrote this, unspoiled, BEFORE “Chosen” aired. Because I am teh psychic.)

Like God Made Adam
Drusilla/Warren, AU BtVS S6, R
Dru 1st Person POV (why yes, I am a lunatic). You like to make things, don’t you? I like to make things, too. Oh, what fun we’ll have, once I’m finished making you.

Lust For Life
Spike/Faith, AU AtS S5, PG-13
“I stole Angel’s car and kidnapped you.” Faith shrugged. “It was Giles’s idea.”

Men of Good Fortune
Sequel to deus ex machina
Spike/Angel, Post-NFA, PG-13
It’s a beautiful day. Don’t let it get away.

Spike/Riley, BtVS S5, NC-17
I keep trying to summarize this, but all I can think is: Dude, I wrote Spike/Riley!

Spike/Angel, AU AtS S5, NC-17
It’s just like it was.

Puppets & Strings
Spike/Faith(/Lindsey), Lindsey/Eve, AU AtS S5, NC-17
“So you’ve got the hero, and you’ve got the quirky sidekick,” says your assistant, drawing a sharp fingernail down your spine. “You know what’s missing, don’t you?” You nod, and she nods with you. “The girl.”

Wesley/Faith, Andrew, AtS S5, NC-17
Kisses bestowed outside of sex were promises she couldn’t afford to keep.

She’s Like a Rainbow
Spike/Tara, AU BtVS S4, NC-17
She comes in colors, everywhere.

Sleeping With Ghosts
Wesley/Faith, NC-17
“Let’s not play games,” says Wesley.

Summer of the Snake
Spike/Tara, Dawn, Post-The Gift, NC-17
Sometimes Dawn likes to pretend that Spike and Tara are her parents.

These Shoes
Spike/Buffy, BtVS S6, NC-17
Buffy, Spike, evil shoes. Humor.

Fusion with His Dark Materials
Spike/Buffy, AU Beneath You, PG
There was something wrong with Spike’s dæmon.

What We Keep
Spike/Buffy, Xander/Anya, Post-Chosen, PG
There are the things she remembers, and the things she doesn’t.


Major Ted
Fusion with Stargate: Atlantis
Crack, PG
Elizabeth bit back a sigh. “Major Crilly, as you know, there have been some problems with your team in the past.”


Vaguely Downwards
Crowley/Lilith, Pre-Book, NC-17
He’d been an angel once. He hadn’t meant to Fall. He’d just hung around with the wrong people.


Fusion with Stargate: Atlantis
McKay/Sheppard, vague Season 2, PG-13
They had always wanted to fly; John couldn’t fly; Nioke flew for him.

Five Futures That Will Parry Never Found
Will/Lyra, Will/Mary, Will/OFCs, Post-TAS, PG
Parry among the women.

Fusion with Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Spike/Buffy, AU Beneath You, PG
There was something wrong with Spike’s dæmon.


And Time
McKay/Sheppard, PG
dar_jeeling was saying that the Wraith aren't scary. She's right; they're not. But they should be.

The Bang and the Clatter
Fusion with Good Omens
McKay/Sheppard, PG
Heaven and Hell’s North American representatives have an Arrangement, too.

Coming Soon to a Galaxy Near You!
McKay/Sheppard, vague Season 2, R
“You’re not the least bit disturbed by this?” John asked. Rodney shrugged. “Well, I’d have preferred a Coffee Bean, but...”

McKay/Sheppard, NC-17
Sometimes Rodney's brain scares him.

Control (These Hands)
Control (Bring Her Down)
McKay/Sheppard, through Trinity, PG-13
John, Rodney, control: the perfect ménage à trois.

Fusion with His Dark Materials
McKay/Sheppard, vague Season 2, PG-13
They had always wanted to fly; John couldn’t fly; Nioke flew for him.

McKay/Sheppard, vague Season 2, NC-17
dis•so•nance n.
1. A harsh, disagreeable combination of sounds; discord.
2. Lack of agreement, consistency, or harmony; conflict.
3. Music. A combination of tones contextually considered to suggest unrelieved tension and require resolution.

Down From Mt. Olympus
McKay/Sheppard, post-Sanctuary, NC-17
The force is strong with this one.

Eight Ways John and Rodney Gave Themselves Away
McKay/Sheppard, vague Season 2, PG
Nothing is secret which shall not be made manifest.

French Class
McKay/Sheppard, through The Long Goodbye, PG
For smallbeer: ‘John and Rodney have to explain some wacky Earth custom to Ronon.’

The Hollow Men
McKay/Sheppard, through Trinity, PG
He held his hand.

Horses Over the Hill
McKay/Sheppard, R
I’m in you, more so when they put me in the ground.

Hounds of Lurve
McKay/Sheppard, vague Season 2, R
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle meets Kate Bush meets cracked-out 19th Century pastiche. Or: “Colonel, is there a reason you’re humping my leg?”

Human Vacillation
McKay/Sheppard, NC-17
He had seen something that he was not likely to forget for a long, long time.

McKay/Sheppard, Sanctuary, PG
"," he says. "Also, it kinda tickles."

Learning Curve
McKay/Sheppard, NC-17
For luthien: 'The second time...'

Little Things
McKay/Sheppard, vague Season 2, NC-17
In paradise everybody’s happy forever.

Looking for Lamour
McKay/Sheppard, PG
suzy_queue asked for a road trip: “Don’t be silly,” John says. “You’re Bob and I’m Bing; now get in the car and let’s go find ourselves a Dorothy.”

Magic Marker
McKay/Sheppard, vague Season 2, PG-13
John’s eyes were wide with horror. “You’re telling me that I walked around all day with ‘Property of Dr. Rodney McKay’ written on my ass?”

Major Ted
Fusion with Father Ted
Crack, PG
Elizabeth bit back a sigh. “Major Crilly, as you know, there have been some problems with your team in the past.”

Mixing Memory and Desire
McKay/Sheppard, R
Written for the Badfic Summary Mini-Ficathon, in response to neery's summary: When an AMNESIC Raawdney is sold to Jon as a slave(!1!), he is TERRIFED of Being RAPED(!) by this MysteriouS, DangerouS, DarK stranger!!!1! Will there be a happy ending for my OTP??? Will John earn Rodeney's trust? Will Rawdeney regain his memories?

A Monologue for Two Voices
Fusion with His Dark Materials
Prequel to Dæmonology, PG
tardis80 wanted something about Rodney and faith or Rodney and Tyk. This is both.

Playing Tag
McKay/Sheppard, R
Dog tag porn.

Pleasure Principle
McKay/Sheppard, Conversion, R
‘Conversion’ missing scene(s). Three ways it might’ve gone.

Pony Up
McKay/Sheppard, PG
For godofwine: 'John buys Rodney a pony.'

Realm of Dryads
PG, for the picfor1000 challenge
“They’re in the trees?” he asked.

McKay/Sheppard, NC-17
AU. John is a priest, Rodney is sin, and I am so going to hell.

Saddle Club
Sequel to Pony Up
McKay/Sheppard, PG-13
astolat said: "How about TWO ponies?"

Sexual Healing
McKay/Sheppard, R
“Okay,” Rodney said. “So basically, you’re trapped in a crappy--oops, that’s redundant--a pornographic version of Pay It Forward. No sex is definitely not an option, so what can we do here?”

Sliding Scale
McKay/Sheppard, McKay/Sheppard/OFC (sorta kinda), NC-17
It suddenly struck him: for two guys who were enthusiastically balling each other every night (and after lunch, when convenient) they certainly spent a lot of time talking about women.

Something Wicked
McKay/Sheppard, Weir/Zelenka, through Aurora, PG
Faustian bargains were so passé.

McKay/Sheppard, post-The Tower, PG-13
‘The Tower’ tag. “I didn’t, you know.”

McKay/Sheppard, through Conversion, PG
Drabble. Rodney dreams of teeth.

Truth, and Other Literary Endeavors
McKay/Sheppard, through The Tower, R
Rodney is writing his autobiography. John has some constructive criticism.

The U.S.S. Indianapolis
McKay/Sheppard, through Epiphany, PG
What’s that one, there, on your arm?//Oh, that’s a tattoo. I got it removed.

We Have Lingered
McKay/Sheppard, post-Grace Under Pressure, PG
‘Grace Under Pressure’ tag. “We have to go back,” he says.

*Okay, not everything I've ever written. There's some Buffy fic that I wrote when I was 17 that I'm not so proud of anymore, and I'm leaving that off the list. (Yet this is the fic I still get the awards and nominations for. Explain that one to me.) And don't even get me started on the X-Files fic I wrote when I was 14. *shudder*

**Yes, I know most of these are posted under a different LJ name. That's either because a) There's some sort of creepy Single White Female thing going on or b) They're both me. You decide!

hdm, btvs, fic, gaiman, sga

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