Jealous yet?

Aug 30, 2005 14:43

I have the day off from work, so I slept 'til eleven, didn't change out of my pajamas, and am sitting around drinking tea and doing memes. I bet you wish you were me.

These are pretty entertaining, though.

From girl_clone, the iTunes Eight-Ball meme: Put your iTunes on random, then ask it each question before going to the next song.

What do you think of me, iTunes?

Fulsom Prison Blues, Johnny Cash

“I hear that train a comin’, it’s rollin’ round the bend
And I ain’t seen the sunshine since I don’t know when
I’m stuck in Fulsom prison, and time keeps draggin’ on.”

Um. So are you comparing me to a prisoner, and you’re the train whistle that I listen to while I wile away my time, rotting in a cell? Or are you the prisoner, and I’m the evil warden who’s ruining your iLife by making you play the same songs over and over, for weeks at a time?

Or are you saying that you think I’m the kind of person who would kill a man in Reno, just to watch him die? I’m confused!

Will I have a happy life?

A Rush of Blood to the Head, Coldplay

“See me crumble and fall on my face.”

Oh. Well, thanks for that, very motivating.

What do my friends really think of me?

Silver & Gold, U2

“The warden said, ‘Exodus sold.’
If you want a way out,
Silver and gold.”

This is the second song that has to do with prison. Have you and my friends been talking behind my back? Do you all think I need to get out more? What?

Do people secretly lust after me?

Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, The Beatles

Well, the LHCB is “guaranteed to raise a smile,” so I guess I’ll take that as a yes.

How can I make myself happy?

Goodnight Moon, Shivaree

“I always sleep with my guns
When you’re gone.”

So I should be paranoid and carry a loaded weapon? Charlton Heston will be so pleased.

What should I do with my life?

Bleed Like Me, Garbage

This is a song about anorexia, cross-dressing, cutting, drug addiction, and alcohol and karaoke abuse. I think you have some issues, iTunes.

Why must life be so full of pain?

A Call to Arms, The Ordinary Boys

“We’re overrated, uneducated
It’s not easy being so liberated
So isolated, it’s complicated
Being loved or being hated.”

Gosh. That’s straight-forward.

How can I maximize my pleasure during sex?

Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometime, Beck

“Change your heart
Look around you
Change your heart
It will astound you.”

Are you saying I should be more open to new things? That’s surprisingly good advice. I was a bit worried about you after the “Bleed Like Me” incident, but I think you might be okay, after all.

Will I ever have children?

Detachable Penis, King Missile

Never mind. I am seriously disturbed now.

Will I die happy?

Roxanne, The Police

Great, so my life’s going to go so badly, what with the crumbling and the falling and the drunken karaoke, that I’ll have to turn to a life of prostitution. Maybe this is how I end up in prison.

Can you give me some advice?

Crystal, New Order

“Here comes love, it’s like honey
You can’t buy it with money.”

From what you’ve said, on my death bed I’ll be able to tell you different.

What do you think happiness is?

Rebellion (Lies), The Arcade Fire

“People say that your dreams
Are the only things that save ya.
Come on baby in our dreams
We can live our misbehavior.”

So you’re saying that one should immerse oneself in a fantasy world? I can work with that.

What's my favorite fetish?

Love Burns, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

“She cuts my skin and bruise my lips
She’s everything to me
She tears my clothes and burns my eyes
She’s all I want to see
She brings the cold and scars my soul
She’s heaven sent to me”

Ahh, masochism. Well, you had to get one of ‘em right, iTunes Eight-Ball.

From about a zillion people, the Icon Paring Generator meme: about which all I have to say is, curiosity may not have killed the cat, but you can bet it seriously disturbed it. I started doing this meme just to see what I got, and the results were, unsurprisingly, terrifying. But the truly shocking bit was that I immediately started thinking of ways I could make these cracked-out combinations work.

Andrew Largeman
Anthony Crowley

Well, Crowley’s all about temptation, isn’t he? And if ever there were a soul on the edge, it’s Large, right? Almost too obvious.

Charlie Pace

They’re both musicians! And everyone knows rock stars are slutty, so. Obvious again.

The Edge
Han Solo

I don’t find this strangely appealing. Really. I’m not repeatedly running that scene from the “Last Night on Earth” video through my mind, the one where Edge steals a car and kinda arches his eyebrow at the camera, and I’m not thinking, “Dude, Han makes exactly that same face when he’s piloting the Millennium Falcon.” No, I am not thinking that at all.

Jayne Cobb
John Sheppard

Snerk. This is almost too awesome. “Finally, John finds someone with less respect for authority than he has.”

Jon Stewart
Larry Mullen, Jr.

Jon: So, sorry about all those times I’ve made fun of you on my show.
Larry: *crosses arms, glares*
Jon: Wow, you’ve really got that steely silence thing down. Me, not so much.
Larry: *doesn’t blink*
Jon: *babbles*
Larry: *silence*


Rodney McKay
Sam (from Garden State)

Aww, this one is actually kind of sweet. Rodney’s weird, Sam’s weird, they both babble, they’re both kind of spastic, and they both suffer from comical-serious health problems. The cuteness is kind of killing me, actually.

Stephen Maturin

See, what you’ve got to do here is play up Spike’s William-ness. I mean, technically, he and Stephen are from the same century. Spike, even if he wouldn’t admit it, can relate to Stephen’s geeky, weird spectacles, bad-with-women side, and then Stephen’s got a secret badass side that can come out to play. That’d be hot. Also, can we throw in some sort of drug habit plot here? Stephen and substance abuse are always a fun combo, and you know Spike’s got the most addictive personality on the planet.

Wheee! And we’re off.

Now if only I could think of some way to do Rodney/the huge lemon from my “She wore lemon” icon. Before, that icon was supposed to represent the intangibility of desire (and other equally deep things); now it’s just kinda funny. Poor Rodney.

Speaking of which...I now have multiple ideas for completely cracked-out SGA fic. At least one involves aphrodisiac dog slobber. I need help.

music, u2, movies, lost, firefly, btvs, memes, patrick o'brian, sga

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