I will eat your fandom alive.

Aug 18, 2005 13:47

Er, hi.

So, since I last updated, I've:

*Worked many long hours at a job I'm finding increasingly mediocre despite the fact that last night I got to sell a gay sex book to Amanda Bynes, who took care to tell me it was "for a friend";

*Failed to secure housing in Dublin, which is bad;

*Met monanotlisa, which was good;


*Gotten hopelessly addicted to Stargate: Atlantis, much to my own shock, believe me.

Er, yeah. So about that. I think I'm going to want to post about this now. A lot. And unless I'm greatly mistaken (please, please let me be greatly mistaken) I don't think many (any?) people on my friends list are into this show. (Besides the people I just friended...hiiiiiii!) I see two solutions to this problem. This first is that you all get into it...right now! Go read daughtershade's introduction (with pretty pictures); then read astolat's A Beautiful Lifetime Event. That should be all it takes, really. Although I'm a little unsure of my pimping skills, to be honest. I forced spazatron to watch two episodes and I couldn't crack his anti-SGA resolve. (Damn you, spazatron! Damn you and your stony, stony resolve!)

Option two, of course, is that you shake your heads and with wry smiles upon your infinitely tolerant faces, ignore my odd geeky ways. You can also comfort yourselves with the knowledge that if I have something fandom-y to post about occasionally, the volume of my posts in general tends to increase as well. So that means SGA!squee with a side of B&N bitching! I can hear you shouting for joy from here.

So, in summary: work sucks. Rodney rocks. The end.

i love l.a., b&n, sga

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