Okay, crazy, crazy idea that may amount to nothing. But I just got back from dropping my brother at the airport, where he's flying to Paris for five months, and when I told my dad that I'm just dying for a vacation, he said, "Well, you're unemployed right now-now's the time to get away. You deserve it." Parental permission! So while it's still largely impractical and I'm not sure I can afford it, I thought I'd stretch out some feelers and ask:
If I were to go to London for a week(ish) in early October, would any of you be available to hang out? And/or-would any of you be willing to put me up for a couple days?
siriaeve and
wychwood can vouch for the fact that I am not crazy. Or a secretly a man. (Or secretly a crazy man.)
This idea, on the other hand...yeah, it's nuts. But so's this year. I want to do something spontaneous and fun!