Well, so I told myself I that I would wait to come back until I had some really epic fic to post. And…I do. Only…it’s a big Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes crossover WIP.
Anyway, I’m going to be posting this-while still a WIP-for three reasons.
1) It’s clearly going to be REALLY LONG.
2) Posting the first part will mean I have to finish it, unlike the 10,000 other unfinished things on my HD.
siriaeve’s making me.
And yeah, also because I have been really, REALLY into these shows lately and have had no one to talk to about them (despite practically hitting
ebrooklynw over the head and making her watch a few episodes), and I figure having something to “contribute” will be a good way to meet other fans. And/or, a good way to lure all you lovely SGA people over to this particular fandom patch. Though to be honest, I wouldn’t recommend reading my upcoming story unless you are familiar with the canon. It'll spoil everything and not make much sense.
HOWEVER! Interested in becoming familiar? Comment and let me know; I’m in a pusher-y mood right now and might be able to hook you up. *winks real subtle*
Come join my insanity! Write fic! Make pretty things! AND SO FORTH.
So, yeah. Sorry for the somewhat cockteasy post. Fic to come soon, probably tomorrow. More pimpage too. And I will try not to be a big lame wuss and disappear again.
Which I guess brings us back around to… Hi! How are you?
ETA: Wow, my LJ looks crappy. It's like coming back to a vacation house and finding it covered in cobwebs. (I mean, I assume it is-never actually had a vacation house myself.) Does LJ no longer support banners for unpaid accounts? That's kind of dickish of them. Also, has my color scheme always been this emo? Was I really into the White Stripes when I chose this? WTF?