I severely dislike coming across “supposedly” valid studies that blame all social ills on the lack of a Father in the house (I say supposedly due to that fact that a little digging show that said stats, the ones I could verify-only 2-were from Georgia and Texas circa 1988, and involved kids in juvenile detention,) … or better yet saying the reason kids bully is that said bully has NO father.. (as I read in a reply-to a report involving the Brats that caused Phoebe’s death, this person then linked a study that claimed 80% of Rapist, were raised by a single mother o.O)..
I was seeing red at that point; in any CASE, of bulling I have seen/experienced as a child (school age the whole of the 80’s)… it was the entitled brats (with BOTH parents in the house) that where the BULLIES! The ones with drug addictions in HS and as an adult (again 2 parent home.). The cases of teen pregnancy (5 the whole time I was in high school) Only one of the girls came from a single parent home, and hers was because her father died of cancer 2 years before.) Yes the way teens are in present day, is far worse then how thy were (say 20 years ago) but say a child is going to be defective just because there is only a mother…(cause apparently children with just a dad are perfect.. lol )
It’s NOT the amount of parents in the home that matters, IS the amount of time the child spend with A PARENT (Not parents, though yes in a ideal world a child will have love from both ones that made them, but this is far from an ideal world)
Yes I am a single mother--those who know me know why--But I actually spend time with my kids (talk about their day, do help them with there homework, or battle in gabbi’s case… spelling is just not her strong suit-of course that totally cause of her lack of father and not the dyslexia, trufaxs*eyeroll*), Seriously how many parents do the following-Jenn, Maggie, Erin, Jodie, Sarah and Sunny you don’t count cause you all are made of awesome when it comes to your kid/s-but the others out there (mainly in the US cause this report, though for a London charity used US stats)
Can you name 90% of the kids in their child/children class? then name of every teacher that has taught you child/s (including subs),
list the last 15 books they read (and if they have AR test/ book reports, what were their scores were…
what are there spelling/vocab words,
actually talked with there teacher BEFORE p/t conferences (and not cause the teacher call you)
*deep breath*
Ok I have finished ranting... but really people should think before they make such an assuming statement, and then follow up with a bullshit study… for a charity based in one country, when the “facts” if they ever were; are over 20years old, and from the US!
EDIT# forgot the link to said "study"