Five music Meme

Jun 15, 2008 10:49

1.  Select Random on your MP3 player/windows media player.
2.  List the first five songs and what they mean to you.

3.  Tag five people.

note: this is my like 5th time trying to post this... please say it goes through this time...
I have to say this before i start... I am never one to really been able to explain why I like a song/or what a song means. To me songs I like are not are not Based on the performer.. or the style... But simply if they touch me on an inner level... here are my random 5.

1. In Your Eyes... Peter Gabriel  my fav line form this sone is... "and the grand facade, so soon will burn without a noise, without my pride, I reach out from the inside"

2. Glory of Love... Peter Cetera I was a Huge Karate Kid fan growing up... the 2 movie being my fav... (i wonder why?) and Peter Cetera has this voice... that i not sure how to say this... melts my soul.. (In a good way)

3. Tsuki no Curse (curse of the moon)... Yui Horie (Opening theme song to the LoveLess anime) To me... music has no Languge barrier. Songs can touch you even if you don't know the Language. The first time i heard this song i fell inlove with it... and must have listened to it 100 times before i looked up the Lyrics.
tsuki no KAASU tsumetai yume kara samete     kimi to tadayoi tsunagiatte dokomade yukou   ai no shijima wo te ni suru made Translated means:  Moon's curse We awake from the icy dream   And I float aimlessly, connected to you How far shall we go   Until we gain the silence of love

4. Lips... Kat-tun This first song(and Vid) I heard of Kat-tun(Japanese "boy" band, from Johnny Entertainment) I love the song... though it is not one of my most fav of this group... It does rank up there though... and as for the vid... PINKY KISS!!!

5. Orenji no Taiyou (the Orange Sun)...Gackt and Hyde duet. (Theme song to MoonChild...Gackt first movie)This is the first song i ever heard Gackt sing... true it is a duet... but Gackt has a voice that trancends language. And though i now have all of his songs (bought off of Itunes... god i use all most every Itunes gift card i had gotten at christmas... over 100 worth.. ot get them). This song will more and likely always be my Fav of his...

well that is it... now i must tag.... 

meme, music

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