And in case you don't watch me babble all day...

May 31, 2010 06:01 you can get all caught up with my insanity!

  • 08:19 I ranted like hell to no one on DeviantArt...if you want to read'll have to go there.
  • 08:20 Heading back out to the hospital. If you want to know what's going on, you're going to need to call mom or my cell phones.
  • 22:41 Back for the evening. Going to try to do something relaxing. Happy birthday (at midnight) to Nyxie!!
  • 22:52 @ nyxgoldstone I SAID "at midnight"!!!
  • 00:43 You need a laugh. Or maybe that's just me...either way, go laugh anyway:
  • 00:45 @ MiFeis'd you see my tweet? You don't follow me!
  • 04:24 I played with a video maker thing and had fun. Lookie!
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