And I actually liked Bellatrix in this one! Even though I hated her in the last one! Which was the most pleasant surprise of the evening.
I didn't, however, care for Narcissa. Not sure why. I think it's because of the lack of blonde. I mean, the hair choice made a helluva lot more sense considering her family, but not a helluva lot of sense considering Draco and Lucius. Whom, I apparently, don't think of when I'm asking you to consider her family. Which is, of course, the Blacks.
I loved Luna, as always. Seriously, this might have made me a Harry/Luna shipper. They were so cute. Much more so than Harry/Ginny. Don't get me wrong; I think H/G made a lot of sense in the books. But she was... too quiet in the movies. Hidden strength, or something. Which is fine, I guess, but it's not the Ginny I remember and liked from the books.
I laughed that they made the Hermione/Ron more obvious. He was a bit of an ass, to ignore her like he did in the movies, wasn't he? At least his hooking up with Lavender made a lot more sense in the book, when he was rash and insecure when faced with the idea of a Hermione who was more experienced than he was.
The movie made me like Dumbledore more. Or understand him. Actually, it wasn't so much the movie, it was the movie when compared to everything that happened in the seventh book. I spent a good portion of the movie thinking about what happens in the seventh book. I might have come to these conclusions earlier if I'd reread the sixth after finishing Deathly Hallows, but HBP was my least favourite of the lot and I couldn't really bring myself to read it again. That might change over the next few days. We'll see.
Snape's declaration that he was the Half-Blood Prince was a crowning moment of who in fucking hell cares.
C'mon, you know it made no sense within the movie context.
I might have more thoughts later.