timeandtides CANON UPDATE

May 22, 2011 17:42

name; Candace
personal lj; knightess
messenger; candescently (AIM)
e-mail; candace__x@hotmail.com
other characters played; Hope Estheim | FFXIII | holyjudgement

character; Cecil Harvey
series; Final Fantasy IV: The After Years / Dissidia
age; 37
class; Paladin
special abilities;
  • Along with the usual abilities of a paladin, Cecil has the Cover ability, which enables him to take blows in place of his allies for reduced damage.
  • He can use white magic, but his range of spells are limited: Cure, Sight, Libra, Cura, Teleport and Esuna.
  • He's a skilled airship pilot, skills earned dating back to his time as Lord Captain of the Red Wings.
  • If he fights alongside those he shares a close bond with, he can use 'Band' abilities, a powered-up team attack which varies depending on the users.
history; "Destiny is something you create for yourself." | "It's mine to pass on -- this strength I've gained from everyone."

personality; King Cecil. The hero who saved the world and succeeded to the throne of Baron. His reign has ushered in an era of peace and prosperity, and he is respected far and wide for his efforts to rebuild not only Baron, but the rest of the kingdoms and towns shattered by the war. Being not of royal blood, his origins mean he does not let power go to his head. He's just as much a servant to the kingdom now as he was during his time in the Red Wings, and his devotion means he is loved and trusted by his people. He isn't a distant and lofty ruler who relies solely on emissaries or advisors to do his bidding. He prefers a more personal approach, and can often be seen visiting the town of Baron with his wife and son.

Family, a thing once nonexistent for Cecil, has become the foundation of his existence. He loves Rosa, his wife, no less than he did when they married and took the throne seventeen years ago. To make up for his own lack of familial affection early in his life, he dotes on his son Ceodore -- to the point of spoiling him, or so some believe. Still, he also recognises he is quickly turning from a boy into a man, and from a prince into a warrior. Whereas Rosa worries for her son's safety, Cecil treats him as an equal in combat, sparring with him frequently to help him improve. He has faith in his heir's abilities, and knows that whether his he chooses to follow in his footsteps or not, Ceodore has it in him to accomplish great things.

As a paladin, Cecil sees it as his duty to protect not only his family, but also his people, no matter the personal sacrifices. When Baron Castle was assaulted, he ordered Cid to take Rosa and leave, staying behind even though he knew Baron was doomed to fall. It didn't cost him his life, but it did cost him his mind when the Maenad took control of him.

On the surface, Cecil's brainwashed personality isn't so different from his true one. He appears polite, pleasant and well-meaning, and as dedicated to peace's cause as ever. This, however, is a façade: one to mask the twisted will within who will do anything to accomplish his goals -- including deception, outright lies, and even attempting to kill his friends and family. His usual compassion is replaced with coldness; he dismisses the 'Hooded Man' as a stray beggar and implies he would kill him if he refused to leave, not recognising his own best friend in him. Neither does he recognise Edward's Whisperweed which is planted in order to spy on him. People close to him are only of interest to him so far as he can use them for his goals, and he would have no qualms about killing any who stand in his way.

Later on the moon, Cecil's reappearance of his dark knight self is a manifestation of his dark and suppressed emotions: his resentment for Golbez's past actions, his childhood abandonment, and the loneliness he felt throughout his life as a dark knight. Even after overcoming Mount Ordeals, this darker side shows Cecil still has his demons, deeply-buried emotions he has yet to confront.

Regardless, Cecil has grown a great deal in seventeen years. While he still retains his sense of justice, his idealism and his courage which makes him so admired, he is much less serious and reserved as he used to be. Serving the kingdom he loves and finally having a family of his own has made him happier, more lighthearted and open. Ultimately this has made him stronger as a person, less prone to being overwhelmed by self-doubt or hesitation as he used to be. Even when things seem at their most hopeless, so long as he has his friends, family and his people to protect, he will fight to overcome any hardship.

Update: Once Odin breaks Cecil's mind free of being controlled, he is eventually able to overcome his darkness and return to the light. Ultimately, this experience serves to strengthen him. Cecil deeply regrets his actions while under the Maenads' control, but where when he was younger he would have brooded on his feelings of guilt and remorse, on the moon he does not dwell on that regret. Knowing the fate of the world rests on his shoulders once more, he instead steps up to take the lead of the group and fights to stop the moon with unswerving determination. Being controlled does not make him resent the Maenads in any way; he and Rosa even show kindness to a Maenad child the party come across.

Cecil also respects his son more. He sees him not as a boy or squire, but a strong young man, seen at the end when he spars with Ceodore without holding back. Most importantly, Cecil has learned the lessons of the past and orders the Red Wings to be permanently disarmed, showing his ultimate dedication to the cause of peace.

point in canon; Post-game.
place of arrival; Tuscon Wastelands
starter task?; Sure!

first person sample;
1) What is your secret wish?
At times it feels like an impossible wish, yet... I wish for my family to never be apart. Even my brother.

2) How would your close friends describe you?
[Cecil smiles, slightly embarrassed.] Better to ask them than to ask me, though they'd give me more praise than I deserve.

3) What is your greatest flaw?
I have often been told I am too kind-hearted or too trusting. It is a matter of perspective: I don't consider them to be flaws, but strengths.

4) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
At times, I try to do everything alone. I must remember that it isn't weak to ask for help... It isn't possible for one man to carry so many burdens alone.

5) What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Being at peace, with no more need for fighting and bloodshed, and surrounded by the people I love.

third person sample;
You dare to believe this atones for anything? For terrorizing the entire world?!

You dare to believe this atones for throwing me aside?!

The battle was a mess of impressions, images, feelings. Cecil was injured, on the ground and barely conscious. Yet above it all, he could his voice - his own voice - hurt, enraged, drowning out all others. The closer they'd gotten to the moon's core the louder it had become, the louder the agony had become, the more he'd struggled to fight it. Now his darkness had taken on a life of its own, and it was going to slaughter his family one by one.

Starting with Golbez.

Isn't this what you wanted? To die at the hands of the brother you abandoned?!

No... This wasn't what he wanted...

Why... why do you choose him, Rosa?! This man threw me away like trash! He steered the world to its own destruction!

Jealousy made the dark knight turn on Rosa. If he did nothing...

Ceodore... you, too?

His son... No!

All right, Ceodore... So be it... You, too, shall obtain eternity... In exchange for your life!

Brief images flickered through Cecil's mind. The day Ceodore was born, giving him his first sword, Ceodore and Rosa laughing, watching Ceodore depart Baron for the first time with the Red Wings...

The dark knight lifted his sword for the killing blow.

“Ceo... dore!”

Cecil dived to protect his son and took the hit. There was a startling moment of clarity: this was his family. He loved them; they were irreplaceable. Even Golbez, the man who had been the root of all his suffering. He would not stand by and watch them die at the hands of his own hatred.



Even as his son and wife called out, the dark energy glanced harmlessly off him. He readied his sword, staring down his doppelgänger. “Let's go, Ceodore!”

The dark knight barely hesitated. “I... I am Cecil! The true Cecil!”

The battle continued on, Cecil finally back at full strength. His thoughts were clear; he had refound himself, his purpose. He would be a prisoner within his own mind no longer.

Eventually, Cecil dealt a blow that sent the dark knight staggering to his knees. The man let out a hiss of pain in a voice that mirrored his own, staring up at him through the demonic helm.

“Ridiculous... How could you be Cecil?! What... what does that make me, then?!”

There was confusion in the man's voice, and it struck him for the first time that his other self was afraid. Cecil stepped forward, looking down at the man.

“You are myself. That is true... the part that has shut itself from the world, once upon a time.”

He had been completely alone. An abandoned orphan with no family to call his own, and the reality of growing up knowing he had been unwanted. Then later, having no choice but to push Rosa away because of the darkness that had been slowly corrupting him. And once, he had despised Golbez with all his being. The idea that Rosa and Ceodore would defend Golbez over him, that he would be abandoned once more... It only spurred his dark self on to attempt to kill them.

“I... I...!” the dark man gasped.

Cecil lowered his sword, and did not strike the finishing blow. He could feel nothing but pity for his old self, a man blinded by fear.

“But those days are over. You are no longer alone!”

There was a blinding white flash. When it subsided, the dark knight began to fade, until he was gone altogether.

Cecil had overcome his darkness once more, and returned to the light.

+ canon update, + timeandtides

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