"The Cinderella Dopant"

Mar 09, 2010 01:15

Title: “The Cinderella Dopant”
Author: Trinity
Fandom: Kamen Rider W/Double
Pairing: Kirihiko/Wakana
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Sonozaki Wakana puts a new twist on a fairy tale.

The door to the Haus of Kurenai boutique opened and the shop’s bell rang out cheerfully, summoning the proprietor and main designer, Kurenai Masao to the door. “Good morning! Welcome to Haus of - Wakana-hime!”

Sonozaki Wakana was standing in the doorway of the boutique and she did not look happy. Not a bit. “Hello, Masao-kun.” She said, striding into the shop. “I have a special request.”

Masao was a young man in his twenties, with wild streaks in his hair and a great sense of fashion (if not a little strange and off). He’d turned a love of clothing and art into a thriving business and Wakana was one of his favorite regular clients. He took a special pride in the custom work he did for her and his sisters and female friends, wanting them all to look and feel fabulous. For Masao was much more than just a fashion designer, he was a matchmaker and self-proclaimed “love doctor/ Fairy Godfather”, wanting to make all women happy. At the look on Wakana’s face, he knew something was wrong and decided to try and help. “What bothers the Healing Princess of Fuuto?” He asked, concerned. “Come in the back. We’ll have tea and you can tell me all about it.”

Masao put up one of his “Closed For Inventory” signs and took Wakana upstairs to his private studio where he often worked if one of his sisters was working in the shop. He began to make a pot of tea for the two of them as Wakana sat on a small sofa in front of the coffee table he had in his “sitting room”, looking at her knees.

“Wakana-hime, what’s wrong?” Masao asked. “Why do you look so upset?”

“My father, Sonozaki Rhyubee, is throwing a ball… and I am not allowed to attend because he is worried I will cause trouble. He should be more worried about Saeko neesan. She’s been doing nothing BUT causing him trouble thanks to her subordinates failing left and right.”

Masao was tempted to ask what the ball was for, but decided not to. “Do you want to go to the ball?”

“Of course I want to go!” Wakana cried. “I can’t believe Father! Telling me I am not able to go to his party! I would never cause a problem!”

Masao smirked at her words, already planning something in his head. “Well, then, Cinderella… this looks like a job for your Fairy Godfather!” His smile only grew. “Don’t you worry, Wakana-hime. I will make you look utterly fabulous and I will help you crash that ball!”

“You will?” Wakana hadn’t even thought of asking him for his help.

“I can’t turn my back on a woman in need.” Masao replied. “Now, we need to plan how you’re going to crash this party. I’ll make a few calls…”

And with that, Masao and Wakana started on their plan to help Wakana pull a Cinderella and crash her father’s lavish party.

Masao was nothing short of a genius considering how much he’d managed to accomplish in such a short time. He’d managed to secure her a limo (“Better than a pumpkin coach” were his exact words) and create a fabulous outfit for her to wear. Wakana had to hand it to him; Masao always managed to come through.

“Oh, Wakana-hime….” Masao murmured as he finished touching up Wakana’s makeup. “You look absolutely fabulous.”

“I wouldn’t look fabulous if not for your help, Masao.” Wakana smiled. “Thank you so much.”

“It’s not a problem.” Masao smiled. “This is just what I do for people.” He picked up the mask he’d placed aside and handed it to her. “I like making people happy. Here.”

“Thank goodness this party is a masquerade ball.” Wakana murmured as she put the mask on, allowing Masao to fix up her hair with a bit of hairspray. “I can slip in unnoticed and undetected.”

“Spoken like a true Cinderella.” Masao admired. “You look lovely.”

Wakana stood up to admire herself. Masao had taken the time to make her an exclusive gown: it was black and red and silver, almost like a wedding gown. It was sleeveless, the bodice covered in black and red lace with some silver trim and made to fit Wakana perfectly. She skirt resembled a standard ball gown, but it swished when she walked, giving her the look of a vampire princess. Masao had topped it off with accenting silver jewelry, a tiara and a pair of black silk opera gloves and… ruby slippers. Wakana had been floored, but wore the shoes at Masao’s insistence. The black and red mask she wore topped it off. She was barely recognizable and Masao had done an even better job than she could have imagined.

“Thank you, Masao.” Wakana kissed his cheek softly. “You’re a miracle worker.”

“You’re welcome.” Masao beamed as he led Wakana to the door. He pushed it open and then smiled. “Oh look…” Just as he opened the door, the limo he’d asked for pulled up in front of the Haus of Kurenai shop. “…Your coach is here.”

Wakana smiled at him. “Thank you again, Masao.”

“Go off to the ball, Cinderella.” Masao helped her into the limo and shut the door. “Have a good time.”

Wakana waved goodbye and then the limo sped off to the Sonozaki mansion.

Sure enough, Rhyubee’s party was a lavish masquerade ball and Wakana easily slipped into the crowd, trying not to draw attention to herself. She spotted her father and her older sister, Saeko, talking quietly amongst themselves. She made sure to steer clear from them, wandering amongst the crowd of people. She was amazed by how beautifully people were dressed and the assortment of masks. There was a certain irony to it all. The Sonozakis, who wore masks themselves… throwing a masquerade. It amused her.

As Wakana watched people dancing, sipping on a glass of water she had picked up, she suddenly found herself whisked up into a conversation with a handsome young man wearing a golden mask.

“Hello.” The voice of the mystery man was oddly familiar and he had a very charming smile. “I noticed you were standing here alone, looking kind of wistful. I thought I would say hello.”

“That’s very nice of you.” Wakana murmured, sipping her water. “I did come alone, but I’m not worried. I usually don’t enjoy big, lavish parties like this.” It wasn’t a total lie, but she was not enjoying herself the way she thought she would. She kind of wished she’d managed to bring a date or some kind of escort.

“Well, how about a dance?” The mystery man offered. “Perhaps if you had a little fun and loosened up a little, you’d have a good time.” He was very good at reading her tense body language.

“A dance?” She asked.

He took her water glass from her, set it on a nearby table and then bowed. “May I have this dance, beautiful lady?” He punctuated his question with a kiss to her gloved hand.

Wakana giggled and decided to pretend she was Cinderella and this mystery suitor was her prince. “Yes…” She curtsied, smiling. “You may.”

With that, the mystery suitor led her out onto the dance floor, sweeping her up into a waltz. The music, the scene, even her suitor was perfect. It was a dance out of a fairy tale… and once the music changed, they just kept on dancing.

Wakana smiled at her suitor, lost in the dance. Her suitor was a good dancer and she felt completely at ease with him.

“You have a beautiful smile.” Her mystery suitor murmured softly as he dipped her backwards. “It’s very charming and sweet. You seem more relaxed now. Are you enjoying yourself?”

“Yes.” She squeezed his hand. “I am.”

He smiled. “Me, too.”

They danced and danced until they could dance no more and finally, he took her outside to the gardens for a breath of fresh air and a walk.
“That was a lovely dance.” Wakana murmured as she smoothed out her dress. “I feel much better.”

“You just looked a bit tense.” Her mystery suitor replied. “I figured a dance would loosen you up. “

“You’re very good at reading people.”

“It’s a gift.” He smiled at her and suddenly; Wakana realized just who her mystery man was. It had taken her a while to put it together mentally, but the voice, combined with that telltale smile that she secretly adored could only be one man.

Her sister Saeko’s husband, Sonozaki Kirihiko.

Also known as Wakana’s secret crush.

Wakana was utterly floored. What was Kirihiko doing mingling? Wakana thought that Kirihiko would be serving as Saeko’s “trophy husband” (Wakana secretly suspected that Saeko had spared Kirihiko because he looked good on her arm).

“Who made your gown?” Kirihiko suddenly asked, fully aware that judging by the look Wakana was giving him that she figured out who he was. He’d sensed her the moment she’d come in the door. “It’s so beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“Oh, it’s from Haus of Kurenai. It’s an original. The designer is a friend of mine.”

“So, did the designer decide to play Fairy Godparent to you, Wakana?”

At the way he said her name, Wakana’s mouth fell open and she slowly lowered her mask. “How did you know it was me?”

“I could tell.” Kirihiko removed his own mask and Wakana felt her heart do a little flip at the smile he gave her. “Besides, I figured you’d try to crash the party.” A pause. “And you do look beautiful. You outshine your sister… that’s why she convinced your father to not invite you to the ball.”

Wakana wasn’t surprised. “I should have known.”

“Don’t fret about her.” Kirihiko replied. “I’m glad you came. I was hoping to see you.”

“You were?” Wakana was surprised. “Why?”

“Because it gave me a reason to do this…” Before she had a chance to say anything else, Kirihiko bent his head down and kissed her softly.

Wakana was beginning to wonder if she’d managed to step into some sort of fairy tale. She’d been romanced by her secret love, been whisked away to a dance, dressed up like a princess and given a romantic dance. It was almost too good to be true. It was like a wonderful dream that she didn’t want to wake up from.

“Let’s get out of here.” Kirihiko murmured. “Let me take you somewhere.”


As he lead her off, all Kirihiko did was give her one of his charming smiles. “Anywhere but here.”

Some hours later, Saeko wandered out to the gardens, looking for her husband. She did not find Kirihiko, but all she found was a handkerchief with a red spot on it and a pair of glass heels.

Saeko stared at the heels in disbelief. “No. It couldn’t be…”

kirihiko/wakana, kamen rider double/w

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