The Endless Circle of Lost Hate and Friendship?

Aug 26, 2006 22:05

1. Name/Nickname: Nicole --- Coley Binx, Haku,
2. Age: 17
3. Gender: Female
4. Birthdate: December 13, 1988

5. Likes: anime, friends, tea, drawing
6. Dislikes: liars, people who pretend to be your friend, being alone
7. Strong Points: Hmm... Can't.... think.... of one. o.o
8. Weak Points: I tend to cry before trying. ::hides:: And i'm shy. However, i've been improving on changing that. :D
9. Talents: I can draw pretty good. And I Sew, do digital photography, bake
10. Hobbies: Starcraft & Wow. >.> Drawing, painting, larping
11. What's your personality in three to six words: Shy, hiding, embarrased, fun, living.
12. Favorite Color: Shades of Gray, blues, and black. Theres something about grays and blues that I adore. <3
13. Image Color: Dark blue, dark gray, black.
14. Favorite Animal: Kittens, hermit crabs, bunnies.  Kittens and bunnies are cute, and hermit crabs are almost symbolic of myself. I hide all day and at night I wander around my living space, almost aimlessly. :P
15. Favorite Food: Teas... food is... eh. White rice. I just don't like eating. There is no weight issue or anything, I just don't like it.
16. Favorite Quote: In our world, every storm has an end. Every night brings a new day. What's important is to trust those you love, and never give up. We must never give up hope. So remember, just as you touch the energy of every life form you meet, so, too, will their energy strengthen you. Fail to live up to your potential, and you will never win the game of life.
17. Personal Motto: In the end, everything will be alright, and if it's not, then it's not the end.
18. Night or Day? Night <3

19. Favorite Trinity Blood Character and why: Ion and Astarothe. They are almost like two halves of me. Astarothe is the person I long to be almost, and Ion is how I feel all the time. Ion's love for Esther is so cute as well. ^^
20. Least Favorite Trinity Blood Character and why: Wendy. She's a little... >.> Baka... at the very least. It's hard to pick a least favorite character. Without each of them, the series would be... nowhere near as great. I would say Brother Petros and Sister Paula, but without Petros, Ion wouldn't have made it back to the empire. But Paula... nothing saved her I guess. She was a Baka too. Paula and Wendy. :)
21. Are you Mature or Immature: Both at times. I'm young, i'm in transition. :P I don't want to be mature though when I get old.
22. Are you a Leader or Follower: Neither. I lead no people, and I march to my own drummer.
23. Are you Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic
24. Are you Outgoing or Shy: Shy
25. Include a picture or describe yourself:

26. Anything else: Don't be offended, please? lol

I adore this picture. I do not know why. :D

27. Please link the 3 people you voted for here as proof: (There was nooooooooobody. T.T Otherwise I would have. :(  )
I hope I fixed it? o.o

alessandro xviii, stamped

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