1. Name/Nickname: BloodyMoon23
2. Age: 23
3. Gender: female
4. Birthdate: 26.10.1983
5. Likes: cosplaying, animals, birthdays, gothic, music, anime/manga, cinema, drawing, my friends, RPG, videogames, books, open hearded people
6. Dislikes: ignorant or nerved people, spiders, stress, bad friends
7. Strong Points: open and above board, seldom ill, passionated
8. Weak Points: nerves, singing, fastly scathingly *g*
9. Talents: drawing, feel easily into a character
10. Hobbies: drawing, anime/manga, videogames, go out with friends
11. What's your personality in three to six words: kind, unhurried, moody, explosive, passionated
12. Favorite Color: black
13. Image Color: black
14. Favorite Animal: wild cats
15. Favorite Food: pizza
16. Favorite Quote: life is a delight, if you know how to play it
17. Personal Motto: a good friend is a friend on which side you can think loud
18. Night or Day? night
19. Favorite Trinity Blood Character and why: Dietrich, I like his evil but childish charakter, the kind but brutal way he tortured people and enjoy. It's amazing.
20. Least Favorite Trinity Blood Character and why: Petrus, I don't like him because of his nerved fanatical character
21. Are you Mature or Immature: mature
22. Are you a Leader or Follower: leader
23. Are you Optimistic or Pessimistic: pessimistic
24. Are you Outgoing or Shy: shy
25. Include a picture or describe yourself: Naturally I have short dark blond hair but I color it black or red. My eyes are darkbrown. I prefer wearing jeans and black shirts.
26. Anything else: What can I say more? I have a great sister. We share most of our interests. My favourite anime characters are Muraki Kazutaka, Dietrich von Lohengrin and Isaak Fernand von Kämpfer
27. Please link the 3 people you voted for here as proof: