Nov 26, 2007 10:19
23 weeks 5 days pregnant...
You know what is really annoying? Water. Especially when it is in places it shouldn't be. For instance, when it is dripping out of the exhaust fan in the bathroom ceiling. Or, when it is soaking the carpeting in the corner of what will soon be the nursery. Stupid water. Also, our landlord is in Hawaii. Stupid landlord. I did speak to the landlord once about the ceiling leak before he left, and at least he put me in contact with a roofer. I spoke to the roofer on Thursday and nobody has come to fix our ceiling yet. As for the leak in the nursery I have no idea where the water is even coming from. The ceiling and walls aren't wet, just the carpet along the baseboards and in one corner of the room.
You know what else is really annoying? Having a muscle twitching right underneath your eye for hours at a time. I wonder if this annoyance is caused by the other annoyance.
And here's a third annoyance. I have been trying to get a hold of this guy at work for over a week now, he's not returning my phone calls or emails and it is driving me crazy! I need him to do one tiny thing for me and I am about 5 minutes away from walking down to his office and cornering him. I really hate doing that, because I hate when people do that to me, but honestly it takes 5 seconds to respond to an email... if you are that busy, just write back and say "I'm busy, I'll contact you next week." See? Not hard. There is one upside to going there in person though. He will see that I'm pregnant and then maybe he'll feel bad about giving me a hard time. Ha! I must milk this for all it is worth.
Now on to better topics. The baby's movements are getting so much more pronounced now. Last night I could feel a little foot poking out! I was sort of playing with the baby... its foot would poke out, and I'd push on it, and then it would poke out again. I'm feeling a lot more pushing and rolling feelings as well as kicks now. It feels really strange! I can't wait till I can actually hold the baby and touch his/her little feet and hands. But I definitely am enjoying this time where I have the baby all to myself.
day to day,