Oct 12, 2007 11:49
17 weeks 2 days...
My cousin's girlfriend had her baby last night! I saw pictures of the baby on facebook this morning (gotta love technology) and she's adorable. I'm going to stop by the hospital after work to visit and see the baby. I'm sure it will make me that much more anxious to see my own. This whole pregnancy process is so long sometimes.
So I spoke to the HR department at work this morning and apparently going on maternity leave is a lot less complicated than I thought it would be. All I have to do is write a letter and then apply for something online. Sweet! The only non-sweet part is that the lady I met with wasn't sure if I qualify for the maternity leave top-up plan. The government pays 55% of my pay on mat. leave, and work has a plan where they pay another 40% so you can get 95% of your pay when you are gone. But apparently the plan is only for permanent employees and they have to decide whether or not I am classed as "permanent". Fingers crossed here. I have been working here for 4 1/2 years now, and I have a contract guaranteed until at least 2009, so I don't know how much more permanent I could be. I just don't get how they can give me an entire benefits package (medical, dental, glasses, life insurance, etc) but then disclude that one thing, but whatever. Nothing I can do but wait and hope!
friends & loved ones,
day to day,