Dec 04, 2006 14:57
Ugh. I have a cold. My head feels all heavy and I'm all congested. Fun! Actually it's not too bad, I'm not on my deathbed or anything, but I just got over the whole wisdom teeth debacle and now this? Argh!
I had a fairly relaxing weekend. Friday night we were supposed to go and see the carolers, but it was pouring rain all day long so I opted not to go. Because I didn't want to get sick from standing out in the rain. (If only I'd known I would get sick anyway I would have gone!) Instead I spent the evening wrapped up in a blanket on the couch in my pyjamas, knitting and watching School of Rock on TV. It was heaven.
Except for when the smoke alarm started going off and I had to put my stepstool on top of a chair so I could climb up and take the faulty battery out. But I digress.
Saturday was very laid back. I did some sewing and finally finished hemming my mom's wedding dress (it is not perfectly even but oh well, I am not a professional seamstress here). I went to watch D's hockey game and then we went to a friend's place to try out his new Nintendo Wii. We played some sports games and then I tried out this surgery game which is right up my alley. I had fun playing the Wii but I can see it getting old fast. We played this boxing game and my arms got tired, and that is just not what I want from my video games.
Sunday I woke up feeling pretty crappy. D and I played Guitar Hero - we finished Hard and moved on to Expert. I went shopping with my mom and bought a few Christmas presents. I am almost done my shopping now - I just have to get something for my uncle and for D's parents. We looked at the Christmas decorations but I didn't buy any. I don't know why, I just can't get into it this year.
I finished the weekend by watching The Terminal on TV last night. That movie is weird... the premise is so unbelievable and the characters' motives are sort of hard to understand. The movie was okay, I guess. But weird.
Tomorrow my co-workers and I (including D) are going to this Windows Vista conference in Toronto. I'm looking forward to being out of the office for the day, but to be honest the seminar topics look pretty boring. I'm hoping for some free food and free stuff to make the day worth it. We have to leave here at 7:00 tomorrow morning in order to make it to the conference on time. This is going to suck.
day to day,
body & health,