I've been tagged for a meme. This has never happened to me before, so I suppose I can make good on the request.
"Write a journal entry for this meme with five random facts about yourself. Then pick five of your friends list and tag them - no tag-backs! These rules should be included in your entry."
Now I just have to think up some interesting facts about myself.
1. I skipped the first grade. I was 6 when I started in grade 2.
2. When I worked at Petsmart, I used to stick my hands in the tank to pet the big goldfish.
3. I have never liked being an only child.
4. I can't stand the feeling of nailpolish. I don't care what anyone says, I can feel it on there.
5. I love little calendars. I have 3 at my desk.
So now I am supposed to tag other people. I feel really lame doing this part.