Dec 31, 2006 12:51
My first really embarrassing moments happened last night. I'm working at one of my old youth pastors Fireworks superstore and yesterday I went over the fence (that guards the costumers from the fireworks so they won't steal them) instead of going in one of the gates and my pocket got caught and I tugged on it so I could get free and apparently my tuggin wasn't the best thing to do...... Well my friend Danielle was there with her cousin and I was like to Danielle, "Umm guys! Danielle! Can you help me!" and she was like, "Don't move!" and her cousin gaurded me while Danielle and this nice lady that worked there helped me off the fence. But I still had a gigantic hole on the jean pocket so I was leaning against the shelves containing the Sparklers and I was trying to get the manager's attention, "Scott!!" and he finally came over and I told him what happened and I asked him if he had any safety pins and he said that he didn't have any. So he ended up getting me some duck tape, red duck tape, and we (danielle, her cousin, and I) went outside behind the port-a-potty and she was taping up my behind basically and she couldn't stop laughing!! Her cousin said while Dani was helping me, "To bad I didn't bring my purse, I have safety pins in there all the time."
So ya I put my apron (wich all the workers have to wear) on my butt. And the whole night I felt like I wanted to go home and get a different pair of pants on. :roll: