Life lately

Jun 24, 2010 12:19

You know, I'm glad I've started writing in my Livejournal again. I don't reguarly write in my real journal back at home. So how am I suppose to keep in track with my memories? The little things that matter won't be existent to me.

Last night I went to my parents prayer group for the first time and it was awesome. Totally no organized by human hands! Which is awesome! God is the one we must give all control to. So wehn we welcomed Him into the group it was beautiful. I wanted to stay forever. I felt Him like I haven't in a while.

And last night, I got the best sleep that I've been going on without for a while. :D

And voice class today was so wonderful! My teacher thinks that I have a beautiful voice and that we will be able to do so much more with it as we go on!

Life is good...

god, school, life

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