Jan 18, 2006 16:11
Welp, I done did it again. Took a nasty spill Monday night and ended up in the hospital. How is it that I ALWAYS manage to injure myself, especially doing completely mundane activities...like walking? Should I really invest in a bubble-wrap suit for myself? Some friends have suggested going and getting my inner ears checked out since I seem to fall so often. This time the knee took the fall. Went to the ER that night then went to an ortho today. So far as we can tell, there's no bones broken but there is definately soft tissue damage as well as quite possibly torn cartilige. Luckily, the Dr. understood that I don't have health insurance right now so we're waiting on the MRI to see if this gets better first. In the meantime its crutches and a tight ACE bandage as well as some mild pain meds to get me walking. ::sigh:: why me?