Hiya all!
I am still alive, promise! Really, I am. Things have been going well enough, nothing major to report on. I've been working on various things, posting at least to a couple of the communities that I am part of. Managed to finally get my first posts up on
super_supper and also in
aspecialparent and even on
desk_pics *grins* I posted my desk pic on here a couple of days ago :)
I love being part of
super_supper, because there are so many very yummy recipes! *grins* Some of which I'd love to try, but really can't because I doubt the kids would eat much of it....damned picky eaters ;) Then again I used to be a picky eater, I'm getting better on some things. Also, can't eat things w/a lot of spices in them gwyn nor the baby will eat them. I may be able to try some of them, we will see ;)
Anyway, gonna go...have stuff to do and things of that nature.