First Day on the Job...

Sep 01, 2010 21:48

...Sort of lol.
The kiddies don't officially arrive until September 7th, but today was jammed pack with meetings. Yes, even as a school librarian you are not excluded from offical meetings :)
So I went to the Superintendent Conference and Pathogen meeting (which I found out I really didn't have to go to...BUT they did recognize me as a new staff I was glad I was there!). Then I went to my building for a Staff meeting (chatting and going over routine things for the school year). Then I ran around the school tracking down teachers to arrange library time (it was a good way to meet everyone!). I managed to schedule everyone but two teacher, whom I will get tomorrow! I did the one thing that I was told never to do, I skipped my lunch! OOOHH!! I'm BAD!! LOL. It's not really a BAD thing, but everyone needs to eat and sometimes things can get so busy that you just kinda...forget... ^__^;

Then I had my department a different building. It wasn't too hard to find though (I was lucky enough to sit next to our department head during the meeting I wasn't required to go to, she gave me directions! ;) ) It was nice. I got to meet the librarians from the district and everyone is really nice. Everyone is very proactive and I hope, with time and experience, I can get to their level :) The meeting was supposed to end at 230, but we were all just really into what we were discussing (thats what happens when you have more than one librarian in a room lol) and didn't really leave until 310ish.

It was an overwhelming, albiet good day. I'm exhausted! To bed I go because I have another day of meetings starting bright and early at 730am. ^__^ ...maybe I will become a coffee drinker!
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