Hollylujah - Mikeraculous, the best Duo! + BSG/The Office Comic

Oct 13, 2008 02:40

I don't know how many times I have already seen that Holly/Michael music perfomance from Business Ethics episode, the last The Office one. But everytime I see it, i die laughing... seriosly. It's really hilarious!! LMAO!

No se cuántas veces he visto ya la actuacion musical de Holly y Michael del episodio Business Ethics, el último episodio emitido de The Office. Pero cada vez que la veo, me desconojono de risa... en serio, es realmente tronchante!

Business Ethics is the episode in which Holly has known the real nature of the human beings that work in the office. LMAO. Poor Holly, she suffered some embarrased moments in her first presentation in the office. Meredith got Holly being shocked. O_O If we see her phisical, we never could think that she is "Starbuck" in The Office. She is pretty seductive!! O_O LMAO!!

And I loved Michael in the episode (like always)... he really likes Holly, he didn´t want to hurt her and the episode ending was amazing. *_* I hope he get a date with her.

Business Ethics es el episodio donde Holly ha conocido realmente la naturaleza de los seres humanos que trabajan en la oficina. Jejeje. Pobre Holly, sufrió algunos momentos embarazoso en su primera presentacion. Y Meredith conseguió que Holly alucinara. O_O Si vemos su fisico, nunca pensaríamos que es como la "Starbuck" de la oficina! La jodia se los lleva todos para adelante (como decimos por aqui). Jajajaja

Y me encantó Michael en el episodio (como siempre), realmente le gusta Holly, no quiso herirla y el final del episodio fue muy cute. Espero que tengan algún día alguna cita.

And because Dwight loves Battlestar Galactica and we enjoyed another BSG moment in this episode I maDE a simple comic (
arlc gives me the idea) to encourage to the people to watch this frakkin' great show: THE OFFICE.

Y porque a Dwight le encanta Battlestar Galactica y disfrutamos de otro momento galáctico esta semana, hice un comic bastante simple (
arlc me dió la idea) para animar a la gente a que vea THE OFFICE.

this comic is related with this The Office's moment in Season 3:

este comic está relacionado con este momento de The Office de la temporada 3:

image Click to view

someday I'll post the other BSG MEETS THE OFFICE's comic I made months ago about "That's what she said" jokes. ^_^

Algún día postearé los otros comics de BSG MEETS THE OFFICE que hice hace meses sobre las bromas de "That's what she said" ^_^

comic, the office, battlestar galactica

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