I had the pleasure of watching one more time one of my favorite movies: MASTER & COMMANDER.
And we are worth more to them undamaged. Their greed... will be their downfall. England is under threat of invasion, and though we be on the far side of the world, this ship is our home. This ship, is England. So it's every hand to his rope or gun, quick's the word and sharp's the action. After all... surprise is on our side. (Capt. Jack Aubrey)
66.- MASTER AND COMMANDER: THE FAR SIDE OF THE WORLD (R) (2003) Directed by Peter Weir , based in Patrick O'Brien novels, with Russell Crowe, Paul Bettany, James D'arcy, Max Pirkis, Jack Randall, Lee Ingleby, Richard Pates, Robert Pugh... During the Napoleonic Wars, a brash British captain pushes his ship and crew to their limits in pursuit of a formidable French war vessel around South America --> 10.
Seriously, I would pay Universal, Dreamworks, Fox, etc... to make another movie of Aubrey and Matturin adventures.