Movies In 2010: Inception

Aug 10, 2010 13:36

53.- INCEPTION (2010) Directed by Christopher Nolan with Leonardo Di Caprio, Ken Watanabe, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Juno Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, Cilliam Murphy, Marion Cotillard... In a world where technology exists to enter the human mind through dream invasion, a highly skilled thief is given a final chance at redemption which involves executing his toughest job till date, Inception. --> 8,5

As Memento (2000), Inception brings another brillian and new idea to explore: dreams can be stolen . I think Inception is an experiencie that's worth to watch it. I found the movie brilliant in the concept and the plot, more complex than usual, and most if it's a Blockbuster released in a Summer full of reboots, remakes and sequels. But I know Nolan do unusual movies, originals, so it's always a experiencie to watch it, "fresh air in Summer", I could say.  I think the worst thing I can say about the movie is the amount of accion in the last part (the snow part basically) and that some of the characters are not well defined... but it's a blockbuster, isn´t it? so, maybe it's too much for ask.  I had fun during the movie but I confess that now that I know the rules of the game, a rewaching would be more grateful. The last shot? I think it was just made for those who love make theories but I don´t think it means something. As I said, an experience that's worth to watch it.

movies, movies 2010, inception

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