Next Thursday I'm going to Madrid to the spanish Caprica premiere. RONALD D. MOORE and ALESSANDRA TORRESANI will attend the event, and after the pilot there will be a Q&A session and a cocktail. I'm really happy because a lot of spanish people who went to BasauriCon will be there too and I hope we get the chance to talk with Ronald and Alessandra after the Q&A session and get some autograph. We'll see what happen in the event!
BTW, do you have any interesting question to ask related to Caprica or BSG? I want to ask Ron about the BSG Season 4 Gag Reel, I would like to ask if he know why it has never been released or leaked in internet, but only if I get the chance to talk with him after the broadcast. :P
Para mis colegas españolas que van...¡¡NOS VEMOS EN MADRID EL JUEVES!! :)))