Apr 08, 2006 00:45

For all of ya'll that decided NOT TO GO to the LAT Fash(8)ion Show tunight, you missed something that was EXTREMELY GOOD. Seriously, it was amazing, in my thoughts, every type of clothing I saw, (Honey, Parasuco, West 49, 69 Vintage, FCUK, Esprit, Want, Over the Rainbow, 69 Vintage again, Boa, Sapce FB, Laura *DAMN NICE DRESSES!*, Honey and Tuxedo Royale) Ok, I have clips for Nilsa and Jessica but my pictures I took of everyone were blurry, they were walking at a fast pace =( I wish I had a video camera and taped everything because it was so wonderful. Good job to everyone that was in it, I'm proudd guys. It was an amazing show and Jessica, Nilsa, Jessica P., Alison, Elizabeth, and Ruta..you guys should do this FOR A LIVING!





Ok to view them, either CLICK THE LINK and WAIT until Windows Media opens them, or RIGHT CLICK THE LINK and select "SAVE TARGET AS" Got it? Ite..I'll be back with some good pictures of all the pretty people =D
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