
Nov 29, 2014 17:47

I can create post with subject
Logged in user
1. Go to create post page
2. Add text and subject
3. Post the entry
The post with subject is created

I can create post without subject
Logged in user
1. Go to create post page
2. Add text without subject
3. Post the entry
The post without subject is created

I can create post with custom text
Logged in user
1. Go to create post page
2. Add custom text
3. Post the entry
The post with custom text is created

I can create post with composite
custom text
Logged in user
1. Go to create post page
2. Add composite
custom text
3. Post the entry
The post with composite custom text is created

I can create post with image
Logged in user
1. Go to create post page
2. Add horizontal and vertical image
3. Post the entry
The post with image is created

I can delete image from post
Logged in user
1. Go to create post page
2. Add image
3. Delete this image
The image is deleted from post

I can add several images in the post
Logged in user
1. Go to create post page
2. Add several images
3. Post the entry
The post with images is created

tag2, livejournal, tag1, tag 3, tag 2

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