May 11, 2003 01:01
This is what friendship is to me. This is why I am the way I am, and this is what I value most in life!
Ok,now if you are actually interested in reading this, prepare for a long one!
Today I was reminded of why my friends are so great! For those I talked to and picked up on it, I was in a crappy mood today. I didn't start off like that but certain discussions about certain topics managed to upset me so much that I actually started to feel dizzy and I thought I was going to vomit. (Nice, huh?) After waiting for a long long time for Ali to pick me up, he finally showed up with Mr. Chris DiIeso and Mr. Justin Owens....I'm glad they came because it took less than 3 minutes of being the car to cheer me up. The best part was that they didnt know I was in a bad mood and that they cheered me up...they were just being themselves. So, what cheered me up? I dunno, maybe it was the anime music they cheerfully and horrible sang and danced to in thte car, maybe it was the three of them yelling to every girl we passed, maybe it was the off-color yet highly humorous stories they told...or maybe it was the reassurement that somwethings will never change.
My friends are everything to me. They are my life, my inspiration, and they are MY FAMILY. To me a great friend is someone who is always there for you, someone who you know inside and out, who knows what you are thinking, and just what to say. A great friend will always put down his beer at a party and make sure you are having a good time, a great friend makes you feel good about yourself, and a great friend can be trusted with anything. But most importantly having such a great friend makes you want to do all that for them. I'd would give anything for my friends.
Like, I said, my friends are my family and family is the most important thing in the world to me. My friends are what keeping me going everyday. My memories I share with my friends and family and the hopes of creating new memories are the only things that get me though each day. Human interaction is so import. We all need each other to fill the holes and voids within each others hearts and souls...I love my friends more than most of you can probably imagine and my life would probabaly not be the same without them. When you enter my family (for the most part, there have been exceptions) you are there to stay. For those whom I might become distance with or just cannot see as often as I'd like, I am so sorry and I want you to know that I am forever there for you.
To the loserclub: Guys, you are everything to me! Whether you realize it or not, I probabaly wouldn't be here without you all. From D.O.I. to Lake Winniepasaukie to the countless amount of days we have spent doing nothing, I share more memories with you three than with any other friends I've ever had. I treasure it so much and I confident that this freindship will never die. Ali, in all the years of the LC, I would have to say that you are a great friend and no one else has really been considered an Honorary memeber.
To all the Central Catholic and UNH friends: You are all the most amazing people I've ever met. I was so happy to see how well my friends from high school and college had intergrated with all the H-town people. You are all my family and I wish I could see you all more often.
I had thought that this year was a waste of time and how I wished it had never happened. I did meet great people and made some great friends. To all the Williamson people, I really wish this yeah had been as great sa last year. Without the drama, with out the few people that turned things sour, this year could have been really great. Looking back on this year, the few really good friends friends I've made this year by far outweigh the bullshit and the bad that went on.
Yeah I could still go one for hours and hours...but I'm sure most have you stopped readng by now...So since no one is reading this and since I have a free's a few question for ya just to see how well u know me. I'd actually be interested in seeing how many people know, so if you are as bored as I am, email me some answers
1) Who is in the Loserclub?
2)What is H-town? (if you don't know this, give up now)
3)Its summer and a monday night..where am I at what times
and with who? (I hope you know this one)
4)How did I earn the nicknames Spaz, stuffer, El Pollo
Diablo, Wack, Captain Spackles....?
5)What the names of all the bands I'v been in?
6)Who is Tommy Owens and what hapened to him?
7)What is H.E.S.? ...and no not HESS the gas station!
8)What is the correct response to "Ya know what we need?"
9)What instrument do I not have at either my dorm or house:
Drumset, Electric drumset, Guitar, Accustic Guitar, Baby
Grand Piano, Accordian, Ocarina, mini steel drums,
Harmonica, Congos, Clarinet, and Bongos?
10)Finish this short song/rhyme (Get this right and I'll
even sing and do the dance!):
Oh...There's a monkey in my pocket,
He's stealing all my change,