Jun 07, 2009 19:36
Last week I started training for a 5k that will be held on 4th of July. Nothing big, just around my cute little town, but it's fun to train for something again. Of course, I'm super slow, but racing has never been about time for me. I like to push myself and see what my body can do, plus I like having an event to look forward to. Today I ran 1.5 miles on the treadmill but like running outside on the track better. Eventually I'll run the race course, maybe the week before the race to see what running on the road will be like. If I do well or feel pretty good - as in my knee doesn't break or get injured - I'm thinking about signing up for a sprint tri again. Probably the same one I did my first tri on because I liked the course and it was so much fun.
Summer is nice, it's so pleasant (although when it hit 90 I just about died) and I feel much more motivated to go out and do things. I'm getting back into tennis after about 6 years out of the game, which is fun but also frustrating. I know I'll get it back, I just want to get there NOW. It's fun playing with my mom and I really do get a good workout from it if I force myself to bounce around and maintain a tennis position.
Tomorrow I will be sore on my run, but it will be fine. I've kinda learned how to live with the pain and just git 'er done.