Look You Might Recognize that Shiz.
This weekend was well Not that interesting.
Friday I had to spend time with mom.
Saturday was everyone bitching about the snow stopping us from doing stuff. Then evan was like im coming over and he did.
Sunday we were like lets go sledding. Then after lets just say 4 hours of logistics we sledded i strapped into a snowboard and went down a hill. Some kids called jp fat and he didnt even kill them. So we were like lets go get some food and go to kyles. We ate jacks pizza and soda. Then we tore shit up at kyles mini terrain park.
During this time I rode a snowboard a few times, and finally decided to just f*in learn so im gonna head up to blue a few times this season.
Oh yeh and during all of sunday insert drifting around corners in the escape and like us yelling "EXTREME!!" every 5 minutes and we said it oh so extremely.
Sincerely Trindle,
::(: 8==D :)::